No. You just arent looking at this fairly. The girl was a antagonizing nut job in her videos. Sure, she is only a child, but children arent innocent little creatures. They can be rotten little things.
No. You just arent looking at this fairly. The girl was a antagonizing nut job in her videos. Sure, she is only a child, but children arent innocent little creatures. They can be rotten little things.
And you can verify that the person using the credit card, drivers license number, adult ID check services, etc... are being used by adults and not minors? You have some magical device to do this? It doesnt exist.
You are going to be a laywer? Great. Just what we need, another jack Thompson enemy of the 1st amendment.
Who said rape has decreased because of porn? No one. What I stated was the we are seeing rape stats lowering even as we see porn becoming more available. If porn was indeed a factor in causing rape we should see the exact opposite.
This seems like one of those things one can use as citation that the masses are fing retarded. It certainly reinforces in me that if an idea is popular i might want to reconsider it.
its not a theme if it doesnt come with its own pointers, icons, and sounds imo.
No assumption was implied by me. That would be you reading something that isnt there.
I am pro-sane regulation. "Warning, contains sexually explicit content". That is it. There is no reliable evidence that porn turns people into raping monsters, and no such warning should ever be placed on these products. You tried to argue that porn is not protected speech, and were wrong the entire time. Then you try…
i said costed. omfg.
Um, I dont blame African american children/black. The failures came due to money being pulled out of education and being used for busing. In cities that used tax abatement (shaker heights for example) as incentives to encourage diversity instead of forced busing their school systems were left intact.
Again this guide, like many other things we find on jeze, ignores a rule that works; do not feed the trolls.
Yeah.. keep living in a fantasy world... Go do something to actually help kids and stop trying to screw free speech.
No. See we have actual evidence that alcohol harms people. There is no evidence porn does. A quick search on the internet and you will find mostly studies that say porn is overly demonized, or that debunks the studies saying porn leads to criminal behavior.
Yes, the miller test, community standards is not a standard that follows any logical lines.
Porn is regulated as it is, and this domain will help in that regulation.
So, you are saying correlation equals causation? Nice.
Americans, mexicans, japanese, klingons... If 'racial' slurs are bad they are bad across all lines.
I'm about as anti-theist as they come, and learning the concept of genocide spawned that.
also see []
If you fail to take reasonable precautions to avoid harm you are negligent. Failing to defend is much different than making an attack (or attack like action). If you fail to secure your home and someone breaks in it's not your fault, but the reality is still that your failure to defend your home allowed someone to…