Like the pron issue, you are confusing acknowledgment of the fact that we are ultimately responsible for our safety with blaming someone for being attacked.
Like the pron issue, you are confusing acknowledgment of the fact that we are ultimately responsible for our safety with blaming someone for being attacked.
social effects... weird.. seems that the more porn is available there are less crimes against women....
Let me remind you that SCOTUS just ruled crush porn constitutional.
Your argument is faulty... Using it makes everything is now commercial speech. Every book, every magazine, ever blog that makes money. This isnt the case. Sorry, try again. Also, this would not address porn that is freely given away with no commercial interest. The notion you are using is silly at best, dangerous int…
The supreme court has been known to make mistakes.
Actually, due to the way it was used, it is the same. The genocide aspect has nothing to do with anything here.
I had long hair all though school (70s and 80s). While I was never suspended some of those in positions of authority liked to be dicks about it. Police officers in my city were fine, but head just one city south and they would follow you or generally be assholes.
it is often seen that way because that is what it is. Your notion that free speech ends with commercialism is ludicrous. But you did state you were anti-porn, and normally the two of those things go hand in hand.
I love to cook... and in general hate anyone who cant.
Does this mean jeze will do a service to all woman, and the other half of mankind, by not bringing her name up again until she dies in a fiery car crash?
[] "This looks too jewish, change it." wtf..
What city are you experiencing this in?
Yes, because all of those will help you in the business world and help you make money. While those are things everyone would want to do they dont serve the goal of making money. Should you have to put up with that shit? No. And once you have established yourself you wont have to. But in the beginning you are gonna…
People who dont understand the technology being discussed have to be the worst. Expect old ppl, or execs, to sometimes just not get it.
Once it has been established that you are a hot geek girl you have to reaffirm this by proving you are a geek girl worth her salt. This means take charge, be just the right amount of bitch, drive home the reason they think you are so hot; because you're a smarter than the average bear, understand technology better…
Once it has been established that you are a hot geek girl you have to reaffirm this by proving you are a geek girl worth her salt. This means take charge, be just the right amount of bitch, drive home the reason they think you are so hot; because you're a smarter than the average bear, understand technology better…
Customers are assholes.
It's kinda funny. Every woman I have respected in IT has the same thing to say about other women in general.
+1 @ life for you :)
What I do is ask for their manager. Then ask for the address of the company. Then I am less than human to them. It's cathartic.