The answer to this is yes.
The answer to this is yes.
Heh. The advice is sound. WTF are you ppl talking about.
There is something extra scary and unnerving about female racists.
Sorry. You are wrong. There are major and minor players. Check out the book Nazi Doctors the theory and practice of medical killing.
Unfortunately I have seen 11 year old girls fully developed. They exist. What a curse.
I am sorry you dont understand how they are the same. Let me explain; they are both forces out side of your control that exist that can hurt you. You believing one has reason and one does not is fine; but it does not change the reality that they are potential threats. But, this boys will be boys comment is way the…
Non consent is a funny term... Do people with diminished mental facilities have the ability to consent? If one would not consent when sober, but would when drunk/stoned, can consent be possible?
If you let your sheep play where the wolves hunt what level of responsibility should be placed on you when a sheep is killed? If you were camping and did not protect your food and raccoons carry it away who would the rest of the campers blame? The raccoons? Or those whom failed to consider the realities of life?
Pretty much.