I think both questions are valid, and I would blame everyone involve.
I think both questions are valid, and I would blame everyone involve.
The issue of racism should be down played here tho. The horror here is that an 11 year old girl was gang raped. Racism is a distraction from that horror. Attaching racism to this seems like a politician latching on to some tragedy to bolster their ideas. "Look! SEE! SEE!" It's frankly disgusting to me.
Ok. So then we basically agree. We recognize that something is unfair but that is just the way it is, and both have vague notions of how it could be better.
Why? Because I recognize the current systems do not serve justice and thus have no business handing out the death penalty? Or because I am for executing public servants who break their oath to serve?
I am a firm believer in the death penalty as a concept. I believe you have the right to do whatever you wish in life up to the point where you infringe upon someone else. When you trespass against someone you forfeit an equal amount of your own rights. An eye for an eye is not a call for vengeance, but a call for…
This crap rips the roof of your mouth open. The taste was never enuf to over come having a raw mouth.
There are varying extremes of rape, and varying reactions to it... But lets consider something very extreme... gang raped, beaten, and left to die. Pretty bad... But chances arent very good that everyone in your life will reject you. You have the opportunity to get better and carry on in life. It could cost therapy,…
So, basically you are in support of using aesthetics as a basis for forming opinions on someone and are ok with it influencing a courts decision, which represent right and wrong. I'm not, and I think that its a violation of the concepts of justice.
Lack of respect for the system should not impair fairness and justice. Tell me, what value to seeking justice does being anal about mode of dress add?
The court's job is to consider justice; NOTHING MORE. If it is looking for respect it is biased. Whether or not someone is taking the proceedings seriously also has nothing to do with serving justice. If it helps to dress up and play nice then the system is broken.
And you clearly do not understand actual justice.
Yeah. I obviously have a huge problem with it.
What about it? WHO CARES? The task at hand is justice, not nonsensical unrelated bullshit.
A judge that addresses how anyone is dressed is being disrespectful to the proceedings. It is their job to judge only the merits of the case, not to play fashion police.
I dont see how mode of dress or appearance have relevance to the facts at hand. People should be judged on the merit of the facts, not how attractive they are, how well groomed they are, or how well they can speak the language.
Courts need to look at the issues at hand only. Mode of dress, hair, smell, everything else has ZERO PLACE in a court room. A court rooms is a place to decide RIGHT AND WRONG.
Heh, except his original work was extremely imaginative....
+1 interwebs.
We are all aware of the new mod of calling anyone with an opinion different than your own a troll, right?
I am a strong believer that two wrongs can indeed make a right.