
I call bullshit. Citation needed this works. The only way to deal with them is to ignore them/not feed them. This has been historically true and will remain so. And trying to use therapy? seriously? What, you think trolls are 12 year olds with mommy issues? Christ.

Frankly I would like to see an attack on the entire woman's shoe industry. I do not understand the suffering and crippling women engage in with this shoe thing. It's completely illogical. It seems to me not much different than the binding of womens feet in some cultures.

High hells = slavery... After reading more of the user comments here... I dont get it. Women who want equality. Who want to be judged on their intellectual merits. And then these posts with women admitting they would love to alter their feet to wear shoes... I cannot reconcile this in my head without admitting to very

And you dont think some people need bullied??? Palin is a moronic hate mongering POS. SOMEONE NEED TO TREAT HER LIKE THE AWEFUL PWERSON SHE IS.

Palin should be bullied until she cries and quits. GO KATHY GO! Fucken LOVE Kathy Griffin. She's the kinda woman you want at your boys club.

I've chosen to personalize mine with monster cans. Currently I have 108 cans all stacked up.

Boing Boing reports that it was part of a personal vendetta some douchebag had with old man murray. The guy should be caned on his feet and then kicked into a ditch.

or just buy some rain-x glass treatment.

Look, doenst matter how guilty someone is, the job of the police is to take people into custody, they are not the judge, jury, or executioner. Any cop who throws a single punch after suspect has been subdued, or who uses excessive force, should be executed by the state imo.

In general these things do not seem to hold up in court. The police will pretty much do whatever they can to grief you until you give up but in the end they seem to always loose these cases.

As long as this is a security OPTION and not a security MANDATE, cool. But they are going to have to improve their over all support to deal with the situations when this crap fails.

I like your post. It's a non-condescending post on how linux has worked out for you. It brings across the positive aspects of linux without the douchism of fanboys.

Until you want to do something with the software you have developed that goes against the gpl.

Your games didnt run under win7? I am calling bullshit. Please, name these games. Because I've install old stuff to find it works. Fur Fighters. Evil Dead Regen. Worms ][. Heh. I also ran FastTracker ][ and a bunch of dos crap.

Sorry, but the kernal is not free. Please read the licensing.

No, it's free (mostly) because an individual and a collection of them have offered it up as mostly free.

Are you denying that hog farms have historically, and continue to, pollute the water supply?

(note; i eat a ton of pork :))

Yes, and your pig farm will pollute the ground water. Thanx, jerk.

Actually, yes, I would be just as rude to you in person, face to face. Anything meaningful I could say I feel would be a waste of time, so this thread is dead to me.