
Two the things that have come to annoy me most about XP is that I cannot move a maximized window to another desktop without restoring it down and XP's ability to sleep/hibernate is not as stable as win7.

System restore points should allow one to roll back, and a backup would do likewise. I say dive in, the water is warm.

You mean your save, with all your achievements, wasnt wiped out via some random upgrade?

Yeah. I am calling bullshit. You have NEVER recovered any data that was over written.

Maybe you should read why/how the data was recovered.

Because they dont understand physics, and continue to believe a collective lie.

Heh... Does she understand that threatening a person is basically asking to be abused, stalked, or murdered? She is obviously dealing with someone who is irrational, and who is feeding off her reactions. Making threats against irrational people, OR EVEN RATIONAL ONES, tends have the opposite effect desired. Chances

Pretty long read... But let me state this; as soon as you state something isnt funny, and try to defend it as not funny, you have created a sacred cow; AND ALL SACRED COWS ARE FUNNY.

I like miz_jenkins, but I think often she is what I would call a racist. But one has to love the eloquence of some of the shit she has said, and the emotional content of it. She would be an awesome person to experience in a coffee house discussion on almost anything

A bit of reverse racism here... I'm nice to black solicitors who come to my door. I'm kinda a prick to the white ones. I'd love to treat everyone the same, but figure some ppl might deserve a break. Plus the "HAIL SATAN" bit just seems like it would be much meaner directed at non-whites.

I'm a white male in the middle class from poor roots, and I cant understand the mentality of 'the police are there to serve my best interests.' I've mostly had positive experiences with police, but I know they are sneaky lying bastards who can ruin ones life. They will escalate simple situation if given cause and have

How does one reconcile white guilt/guilt of privileged with how they have also been mistreated and not look like a self absorbed POS?

One of the things I like about many open source packages is that they are by nature portable, meaning they dont much up your registry, you can put move them where ever you wish after installing them and they continue to work. Because of limited resources they often lack advanced features; and in many cases this can be

I was pretty impressed with the EI9 beta in so much that I would say its better than FF, but I wont be giving up on FF due to the plugins I use. I have not played with FF4 beta at all tho.

I say it once in a while, and I am an atheist. Has to with fatalism. Life hasnt been particularrly cruel to me, then again I compare it to the lives of those waiting for their eyes to evolve into something that can catch and eat flies while i mud dries to my skin under the heat of the sun.

Wondering, why is Jezebel attacking a child who's still forming opinions on grown up issues. Seems pretty assholish, and the attempt to be funny with it just comes of as mean spirited and intellectually dishonest. I find the kid annoying, as I do most pop stars, but really?

+1 internets.

One can only hope that the kid was a really crappy person in a previous life.... Seriously... just awful.