
I dont condone violence... but man I do understand. But you have to lack some serious compulsion control to nearly murder an 8 year old child when that's not normally your bag. Not saying he doesnt deserve the chair, but this looks to me like a psychotic break.

No dude. When someone pirates something they werent going to ever buy NO ONE HAS LOST ANYTHING BUT A POTENTIAL SALE. Christ.

@One19: Oh, the producers made you do it did they? How evil. (Edit comment)

No. If there is a product I want, and it had DRM that I cant live with, I pirate it. What was a potential sale has been lost. Justification? I'm a bad person, plus I dont need any as that is not the point of my comment.

You know the banners at the bottom of the screen with all the related gawker sites. That banner used to be on every page, making it easy to navigate around. Now its randomly missing much of the time. It's very annoying.

Actually, you can justify criminal behavior morally depending on the intent or ones status, etc... It becomes a question of lesser of two (or more) wrongs.

No; it's copy right infringement, not theft. Huge difference. One denies someone of their property, the other does not.

I believe what has been found is that pirates actually buy more than non pirates.

Wait, you are trying to apply logic and reason to human emotion and what humans do? That's pretty hilarious. We can say it's not logical or reasonable but its a reoccurring theme of the human conditions. Lots of art has been produced based around this concept of being wounded by someone and carrying it on into future

No. Sorry, I am one who is open minded enough to see past his own bias.

Because I am a believer in the idea of intellectual property, and believe people should have control over what they create for a period of time, I too do not try to morally justify piracy. It's not theft; it's piracy. One denies someone the original, the later does not. Even with that, I still feel it is morally

DRM drives people to piracy.

Any reason someone wishes to pirate imo is valid. I might feel differently if the industries didnt continuously try to screw the end user/customer. 50 year copy rights have no been extended to 100 years. Anti-circumvention technology is constantly attacked. All new technology is attacked. F them.

Your argument is invalid. When you steal something you deny someone else the ability to use it. If one was to pirate a car, you know, copy/replicate it, no one is denied use of the original.

I knew a lesbian in the 90s who swore by anything off dummy (portishead). There is something about that womans voice... but i find music distracting.

For a second I thought 'how could someone not know what they are doing'... and then i remembered that often people have no idea what they are doing at any given moment. Humans are such filthy creatures. I for one welcome our robot masters :)

"In my life only 3 women did do one of the above" should read In my life only 3 women did do none of the above"

Now think back to the times a man broke up with you... did he play these games? Chances are against. Seriously, this is part of the MO that makes men think lesser of women in general. In my life only 3 women did do one of the above, and they are still women I love and respect to this day. No months fighting. No

DOH! She did nothing. I was careless in my reading and assume SHE was the person in question. Well... it was nice knowing you guys. My apologies for being a dumb ass Jessica.

Absolutely not.