
I don't know if anything will make me overlook his mailing carcasses to cast members to "stay in character." Seriously false/dangerous interpretation of method acting.

I don't watch television shows on a comparative spectrum. Of course Walter White is terrifying - I can't hold every protagonist/anti-hero up on the same spectrum, or all critique goes out the window. And then Rebecca would look like the Disney princess she falsely imitates. You say "besides being a serial

I'm binge-watching this show. I don't recommend it. It's a good show, but when lined up one right after the other, it's hard to feel anything positive about Rebecca's character. I have trouble with characters that get defined as "terrible but also huggable?" After awhile, they fall to one side of that see-saw, or they

Ooh! In time for my presidential run! I'm counting on your vote.

Well, he did do the choreography/danced in "Kiss me, Kate" a musical that is nothing but jolly fun……………

See, that drove me nuts at the end (just catching up on this series) because while I understand that the premise of this show is that Rebecca can't address what she's doing, I really didn't like how deaf she went. It was too, too convenient.

……….Oh God, it's going to be the Sand Snakes.

But not an alien scientist invading a nature documentary - they get to say "lady," but only in a Jerry Lewis voice.

Well, I almost didn't read it because I didn't like the incendiary title.

I did the same thing with The Hunt for Red October. And yes, I was in 7th or 8th grade at the time. The age of realizations.

True. The opening is almost more noir than comedy, what with the St. Valentine's Day massacre and all…

Ha! Sure - I don't mean to imply that Dany's army can't hack it. It's just that, with her being so removed from Westeros, while we have been Westeros hack itself to pieces, I'm less impressed with her inevitable triumph. She's essentially swooping in after the fight is done. Who's left? The Lannisters? The Frey navy

Razing and Purging Arizona

After reflection: I'm not as impressed with Dany's new army, because she hasn't had to really do much fighting yet. She's had the internal strife of Mereen, but really she's been lucky to be out of the fighting. Watching her sail confidently towards conquering loses some of its teeth when I realize that there's not

Raising Arizona during the Purge

I thought he was going to in the episode, honestly. That they'd support him, and he would step aside for Sansa. It surprised me how little she objected or corrected in that scene.

The promo photo for this movie bugs me somehow - how does he have that many abs, but no visible neck?

It's all a matter of what licenses they get - like with Wreck it Ralph, in a way.

Well, he learns that one of his kids is allergic to peanuts. So that's valuable.

Interesting - but I wouldn't have him move on the Iron Throne. That doesn't strike me as Jon's role.