
That makes sense. I was looking at it from a "Not the father's son" angle - and if the Targaryen name gives him a claim on the larger throne, I was wondering if the bannermen would switch to Sansa.

Hmm…I thought she continued traveling with the Hound for a bit after that. In any event, I'm glad that they put her back in Westeros. It just felt a little fast given how long she's spent in Braavos.

Sure, but with a season left and the whole "big war" on the horizon, perhaps it's a good thing that there is one "bad" person in King's Landing and one "good" person coming in to make a claim.

I'm usually the same way. It just seems like travel is a lot faster than it used to be.

Out of curiosity - when this comes out, will he lose the support? Or does it go to Sansa? I don't know how this plays out in terms of house politics.

Margery did have a plan. It's just that Cersei has never cared about anyone's plans.

Well done, music department! Loved the simple melodies building from the bells.

I'm still holding out that somehow they'll help against the undead army.

It's because the Iron Born really are the best sailors out there.

Sparrows are jerks - that's the secret meaning of the title.
(Seriously, those little bastards…)

Classic Peepers

Thank God Jay the orphan didn't stick around - that actor plays annoying so well, I worried I'd have to sit through a season of him tripping up poor Garfield. Felt very little pity for his newfound thumbless-ness.

What if Dany doesn't care about Martell? Especially if Dorne offers to help her take King's Landing, thus securing Elliara's new place.

This is funny to me, because Richard's rallying cry has been to get the platform to the people. He turned down tech offers because he wants to make the world a better place (?), but then forgot about real life people.

That's why I changed mine to a cat.

I love the expression on his assistant's face as she has to handle more and more animals.

I thought for sure that Richard was going to have an epiphany and somehow make Bernice the tutorial campaign - his "one woman" line had a good ring to it. I really hope the season finale gives these guys some sort of silver lining - it's rough getting them knocked off whatever perch they manage to climb.

That would be a good lead-in, except the way I interpreted the scene was that the writers were making a comment on aristocracy, or like the reviewer suggested, saying that there doesn't have to be a split personality in order to get the good and bad.

But then they tried to make him sympathetic….and wasn't he secretly Robin Hood's brother or something? Like I said, I stopped paying attention somewhere in Season 2, when Will Scarlett built a microscope out of reeds or some such nonsense.

That was the saving grace.