
I did too. That way one dragon dies somehow and gets brought back as an evil undead ice-breathing dragon. Sad, but dramatic.

What a waste of a jawline…

Really clever on the creator's part - take two figures we like, and have them face off.

I thought perhaps Jon would turn it back on her - would her pride allow everything to get destroyed rather than let the North be the North?

I kept yelling at my screen, "Not ALL the grain! People need that for the WINTER THAT IS COMING STOP IT!!"

I don't think it flopped, but it *only* made $100 million or something like that. It wasn't Potter levels of money, so it was discontinued. A shame, because I really liked that film.

It's funny you mention that, because before he got killed, I was getting really tired of him laughing at his own jokes/non-jokes.
"Goodbye" *unnecessary long laugh*

Or that Misty knows she lost her phone, knows where she lost it and who was in the same room as her, yet waits juuuuuust long enough for it to register…

The Savannah thing bugged me solely because no one checked the news via…I don't know, any method.

Agreed - he's managed to overcome "smarmy emissary" to something more compelling and involved.

I was ok with it - when I was a kid I remember this commercial that was on all the time with women playing basketball in high heels. Powerful memory that apparently moved forward a couple generations.

Fine, but why was he so dismissive of the soon to be lawyer, but then interested in Misty? I mean, that first lady was clearly interested in him!

So a more drug-fueled Supernatural?

For the record - I agree that her voice didn't match her wafer body. You need a diaphragm to belt, after all.

Hi diddle-dee-dee
It's Pleasure Isle for me!

Oh, right. The poison. The poison for Kuzco, the poison chosen especially to kill Kuzco, Kuzco's poison. That poison?

Most likely.

I want to see the sock puppet director's cut, personally.

What, you didn't buy her voice in a….what, twenty year old? I honestly don't remember/don't think they mentioned it.

I myself am confused by the trailers that seem to be her basically licking things. Apart from that being crazy gross.