
That's how I read it - Jaqen seemed a little bored by the Waif, even if she had all the right answers. And seeing that she had a vendetta, I thought he immediately recognized that the Waif would never be a true Faceless (Wo)man

I did some paltry research because I was confused by the French as well. I believe it's actually Basque spelling - which is odd to me.

No, I think that Jaime will send them. Maybe.

I'm glad Dorian finally showed some spirit - too laid-back, that one.

He'll join Jack and Gavin, after being pushed TOO FAR

I assume that Jaime's crisis of conscience will somehow result in him sending the armies north, just as Brienne hoped. That way Littlefinger won't get to ride in and save the day next week. And then someone can kill Littlefinger (please).

I'm willing to give Hartegan a little space to grow, but I shared your initial concern as soon as the show telegraphed that there was a woman behind the mask.

As a gentle counterpoint: few in this show save Ethan appears to ever see the sun. They're all pretty pale. It just felt that, given how weak and close to death the son is, there would have been a little more room for interpretation.

In that lighting I was surprised his appearance scared his son so much. He thinks his dad is dead - surely longer hair and facial scars didn't render him unrecognizeable?

Perhaps. I was connecting the end of this episode with next week's preview.

Hey, I didn't know you had any rhythm!

The actress playing Lyanna Mormont was fantastic! I thought she had all the right gravitas, and I loved her plain spoken (but still cutting) attitude - spin off indeed!

I'm more worried that Erlich has done something that hurts Pied Piper to benefit/save himself. Not sure what that might be, but his body language was almost defensive instead of self-pitying.

Well he went through all that tech work because he was worried *he* might be flirting with an ugly woman. Turn about is fair play (predictable, but still not underserved).

Ha! Same - I was commenting aloud that he just needs a ponytail and he'd be far better off. The show did not listen.

Good episode, but enough with Lana being jealous. Seriously she is good enough to get anyone, but her character is turning one-note shrill. Please give her something cool to do (like in panto part II where she beat up that clown, then Archer and Pam).

Agreed. My concern is that Dany hasn't demonstrated an understanding of nuance, and she'll just burn things like she seems to enjoy doing when not getting her way.

Exactly - wtf?

When Horn Hill is burning and Dany is riding Drogon yelling, "Vengeance on stonework!" I want internet fame.

Looking at Horn Hill and how lovely it was, I felt immediately unsympathetic to Dany's calls for destroying Westeros. That is a pretty castle, and really isn't everything getting destroyed enough already? Also there is so much that needs to be done, I don't know how this season manages to give so much time to Sam and