
You could also die by falling in a moat. Or a fountain. Or a puddle. Water levels indeed.

But then how am I to become a man about town?

Don't go into books, then. It's a rats nest of this. Though the occult market is still relatively honest.

But a step down from being a "grey matter" antiques dealer.

It's a throwaway, but I was so sad when I saw another dead dire wolf. Poor, poor, Shaggy Dog.

It could not have been two greatswords. That's would have been…impossible? I mean, first of all a greatsword almost requires a constant two handed grip (like a bastard sword). Then again, this is GoT, so maybe a little less so.

A case of rapiers was not uncommon, but a case of longswords? Those are heavy, and the way he had to rely on momentum? I don't know, I think that's fantasy flair - because he is a famous swordsman, he has the ability to dual wield one-handers

That was such a biting moment! And Walsh did an amazing line read, as Mike realizes the implications of what he's reading.

Oh this show got me good - I was lured in by that damn montage! I thought we'd get a whole episode of Skunkworks before some misstep unraveled the whole thing. Instead I got a literal misstep before it even started. Well played.

Good article!

Excellent - I'm extremely excited to see this movie, even more so now that it's getting good feedback. Team Cap all the way!

My issue with Jessica Jones was the fact that the show put a whole bunch of loner alpha types in a room over and over again, and expected me to get invested when they all went off and did their own thing for the umpteenth time. And relating Jessica to Luke in the way the show did undermined her motivations, and was

I could see how that might work a little better. There's just so much praise surrounding this release that I'm hesitant to not join in fully.

It's because he never seems to understand he's on a show. He's just so high that he can barely participate and teeters the line of laughing with/laughing at.

That's a little unnerving, but thanks for sharing!

A- hmm? This one didn't do much for me, and the horse insemination bit made me as weirded out as Richard. It feels like an episode is missing, where we see the miscommunication begin. Last night's episode felt like a crash course in ruining an idea.

That would be such a cruel joke to play on the - ah, but I keep forgetting what show this is.

I assumed she was improvising…

Great premiere! It's great to see the wheels put into motion a little bit at a time for some characters, while highlighting future dangers for others. Eva Green is beautiful as always. And what could Hecate possibly want at this point in her story? She's lucky she survived.

Such a lovely, pulpy premiere!