
Exactly! They have to settle down and rule, or winter will kill them all! Why is no one looking at the big picture?!

Sure, they might be the overarching heads of power. But I was just thinking about how, in killing all the house lords and infighting between secondary lords, etc. that no matter how the war ends, all those small lands are going to be lacking leaders to help the people.

But do it fancy - like with a kick ass decanter in your briefcase. Pull it out, Mary Poppins style.

Ultimately, as a second thought: whose going to actually rule when this is all over? Regardless of who sits on the throne - who is going to be left to actually get anything done throughout the land?

He had some great lines this episode. I liked, "That's what I do. I drink, and know things."

Ugh, his sniveling voice. I'm horribly superficial about death via vocal prowess - it's why I don't want to see Tyrion go either.

Walda had a son. Roose had already threatened Ramsay with removal, and called him crazy. Ramsay behaved exactly as we knew he would - violently, brutally "solving" the problem.

They'd work well as pants.

Loved Tyrion and the dragons - that was nicely done, and offered some great new ideas for the future. But with these sudden death scenes and last episode's, it feels like this show is just a bunch of petulant children lashing out violently. Maybe I just liked Roose Bolton's voice, and I really long for Ramsay to die

Lots of bustle for a tassel tussle…

I said this above, but I'll say here here as well. I created something to solve this problem. I'm trying my hand at entrepreneurial endeavors!

Ok, I know this is really late, but I was thinking about this comment thread. I actually created a product specifically because I got so frustrated about the no pockets thing. You can find it here:

Speaking of showing their hand: I can't tell if the Comte's obvious leering and camera sneers are a red herring or not. I mean, this show does such nice work telling a visual story, I can't imagine them being that obvious about it.

I agree about the overlong living room fight - with a tassel? That was a giant tassel they used at the end, right? After the…candleholder?

Easily the funniest moment for me was Cheryl's "Ahh!" before dropping the vase. Just perfect.

I enjoyed watching Lemonade, but I'm not sure I'd listen to it without the visuals. The heavy spoken word poetry had some nice moments, but sometimes it seemed a little…heavy is the closest word I can think of. I thought it was a great art piece, but the music itself felt like it was trying to be so many things that

Sure, that's the conceit of the episode. I meant that she had all that time before hand to just do her one hour shift! And she signed a contract she never read, etc.

I have a feeling that RIGBY could work its way into the acronym-ization of the English language. Because it's a beautiful idea, really. Had me laughing out loud (that takes so long to type, in my humble opinion).

He's just so proud!

She wouldn't, though, because being Christian is as unpopular as owning potbellied pigs!