

Ah, I see where we're disagreeing.

*gasp!* No, you take that back! I loved XII, even if it was a little less crazy than its predecessors!

Haha no kidding? Well, I will probably not check that out again.

That seems…are you angry at my opinion?

Overall I liked the forward action of this episode. Having never read the books, I'm curious to see how much actually gets wrapped up in the season finale.

The only reason I beat the game was Angelo's…moon ability? He kept appearing and making my characters invincible for a few rounds. Best. Dog. Ever.

The FF strategy guides were always really well handled, except for FFIX, which kept all the good advice in an online guide which is probably defunct now…

See, that's why I thought we needed them. Now I'd be put off, but those long cut scenes let you make the summons stronger.

Ah, FFVIII - my first Final Fantasy, it will always hold a special place in my heart. Plus, I played a teenager, so I was just as wrought as the characters. I had a game crush on Irvine, the androgynous gunslinger (even though he really wasn't any good unless you manufactured good ammo, which simultaneously ate up

I agree, and this is a recent change for me. I thought it was fun, identifying tropes and applying memes, until a few months ago. I'm not sure what happened, but all at once I realized that no one was actually talking to anyone else. We were all throwing around pictures with snarky captions at each other and treating

Happens to the best of us.

Yeah, as someone who tries to write strong characters in general, I have hit saturation for women characters vocal frying out some iteration of "Go to Hell, bitch" like it's a bad attitude that makes a woman "strong." (and the ability to defy basic body physics)

I sort of get it - I think the reviewer is saying that it's not enough to just have Illana and Griffin doing strange sexual poses for the sake of being strange. That there was nothing under it all - it was just weird for weird. And Broad City is weird, but a lot of the time there's a reason for it.

I like that the show is letting Abbi get more and more frustrated at Illana making fun of her love of jam bands. Or how Illana calls Abbi a racist for the weirdest reasons. I think the subtle growth of tension hints at actual drama for future episodes.

Oh no - do you think Maggie is a double agent?!

Sure. I agree - I do worry a little that some viewers might take her antics seriously (it's actually mentioned in the comments here).

None given in the show. I rewatched the episode in the background today. He doesn't want to give a reason, then gives that horrible "I thought you were the only woman, but you're not" nonsense before walking out. I think he likes that he saved/redeemed Sasha, and Rosita is pretty self-sufficient.

I can - he gives people permission to be their worst selves, and his worst self is worse than their worst selves, so they follow him.

Ha, I think I wrote something about this sometime ago - that Rick and Co. will come to be feared by communities all across the land.