
I only just realized that was him maybe three weeks ago. It made me so happy.

Oh, so that was the start of the master plan, then? That makes so much sense! Kill the doctor, so the pregnant lady will fall suddenly, violently ill, so that all the fighters will leave and drive through our elaborate set of booby traps and blocked roads!

Poor Elijah, but seriously that boy fell far too far, too fast for someone as wise as he claims to be.

I have watched a moveable theater piece, set throughout a church. It was interesting, but it also had vampires, so I feel like it was in a different sphere than this "recreation."

It seemed a little out of character, especially since he knows Adam, and knows that Hannah and Adam have a history and sees her crying. A little convenient, but I still felt for Hannah.

Foley's Folly

That would make Michonne Dandelion, right? Dandelion was my favorite, as I recall.

Yeah, I thought all the noise and fire would attract at least one spare walker.


I was so saddened by that, because it was telegraphed so much. I really wanted Morgan to stick to his guns (heh).

Not just the cheap cutaway, but the whole process by which Rick's group got caught. Hell, the whole "Maggie got sick so everyone is leaving Alexandria" thing felt so thin, a necessary means to get everyone out and caught that I felt no weight in the action. There were so many odd character switches too, and while

This might not be a critical point - but does anyone recognize Marnie's headphones? I really like them…

Apologies for the late response, but what do you mean by "being stupid?" That she went out at all on a supply run? Because I felt like the pure bad luck of her death had nothing to do with her actions.

Haha good points. To be fair, I think Hannah constantly seeks validation for her "hard" life, whereas Marnie seeks validation for an easy one.

Exactly. And she's moving herself forward - or at least, she's trying to do what she knows is what is expected of her.

I'm so disappointed, but not surprised. I mean, Man of Steel was so dour, that there was no way to make Superman an opposite to Batman than to have him have a complete change of heart/attitude in this movie. But of course that wouldn't happen because who wants an optimistic superhero these days? (Answer: we all do.)

I got suckered in and bought one of the larger ones, and went from a 4s to an 6 plus. Damn thing is so unwieldy, and I can't get a new one for the next few years. I'm hoping to ride this cycle out - I figure they're smaller now, but then phones will get comically large, and then they'll get comically small. That's

I get that actually. Mentally, living among so many warriors, it must be difficult to always deal with the aftermath. Maybe if more people told her she was valuable, she wouldn't have felt the need to prove herself.

I'm not saying it's wrong. I'm saying it's a waste.

Really felt for Shosh this episode. But I've been using her as a sort of primer for when I take my Japan trip soon. I've done the fish exfoliation thing, and it is as weird as it looks!
Still not getting the reviewer's dislike of Marnie. Or anyone's - wait, that's not fair. I totally understand why. But I guess I