
Yeah, I'm reading through the thread about the comics and Eugene's importance, so I'll concede that. Maybe it was just a poor parallel, considering how annoying Eugene and Abraham's weird middle English prose-off went.

That is what is frustrating! I mean, she didn't get bit or lead the group into a walker nest. She should have seen her own self-worth without needing to do field runs, but she didn't fail.

Well, maybe she's counting on it creating a longer time gap between any potential action and her leaving?

Nope. Sorry, I'm not looking at this with rose colored glasses. Killing Dr. Denise was an absolute waste of a good "new" character. But f***in' Eugene gets to keep staying around?! It was like the most wasted, throwaway death of an interesting character that ultimately resulted in no forward movement for the show

I can understand that - and there are some musicals that utterly fail to integrate the songs into the story in an organic way. Personally, I find the modern tongue-in-cheek "Look! Now we all know I'm going to sing a song" to be a little tiring.

I have a colleague who hates them too, so you're not alone. And while I like musicals, I also enjoy listening to him do horrible screeching interpretations of what he thinks a musical is.

Ah, Stardust - now there is a movie that deserved so much more than it received. And it too changed the ending to be less Gaiman-esque…

Me too. And it has a better soundtrack.

I too loved Legend of the Dragoon and I still keep my old PS working and in good health almost exclusively for that game. I thought it was an amazing game, as it had voice acting in the cut scenes! Another strange translation choice was Rose's menstrual power attack. Just…odd.

Graphics, shmaphics - for sooth!

Yeah, I was really disappointed that her Apollo special was about thirty percent bits from her "Mostly Sex Stuff" tour

Nah, it was Ogdenville that was prone to demonorailing

It was the same in the books, and my biggest beef with them. Tris emerges fully formed by the end of book One, and then she never grows further, except in her love for Four I guess. In a way, I know that's actually very realistic in terms of human growth, but for a book that requires so much action and ever-elevating

Overall good middle episode. Bugged by two things:
1. Where was the guard that was always at the door?
2. How much more moody is everyone going to get?

Same. I think she doesn't like being told how to teach, and she had a great reason to get out of admitting that she's not acting in a…professional or mature manner. I was pretty peeved at her attitude overall.

Marnie wants traditional, and she's forcing herself to simply hit the "right" milestones. It's tragic.

Oh, roaches are the worst. Just - no. I mean, I had a giant locust land on my face while I was sleeping once, and I'd still rather deal with that once a week than have to be around roaches and their scurrying

I like his stand-up bits that discuss Russian life.

Only time I've ever really disagreed with Ilana. Just do your six hour shift! Now you're banned for life - was it worth it, being that lazy?

I wouldn't say "ignored." I said the fights were good, but also a bit cliched. I have done stage combat, so I feel comfortable with saying that. I know they did their own fights. Good for them. That doesn't mean it makes the fights compelling.