
I mean, that's nice and all, but this show fell apart fast and did not redeem itself. The fights were good, but heavy on wires and very visible shoe switches. And the plot was all over the place in terms of character motivation. I'm not sure I'll watch season 2 with the same enthusiasm as I did with 1.

See, I thought the fox thing was so strangely done (I have not read the books). I agree with the professor - those two treat magic like it's such a chore, and not something to be enjoyed even when succeeding…

I guess I do and don't understand the Simpson's anger. He's overly macho, yes, but he doesn't seem to be any more bull-headed than every other character on this show.

I enjoyed all the ego in this episode - everyone thinks they know best, and then everything goes down the tubes.

Sounds totally legit.
As long as it doesn't really apply to me.

"…there are more allusions than plot points in this movie…" Perhaps this best describes how I felt about two-thirds of the way into this movie. I liked it, but there was something bugging me by the end. And while I chalked it up to my uptight nature not liking so many raunchy jokes, I think ultimately it was that the

Also good: Arther Koestler's "Darkness at Noon"

Oh, I know lol. I told a friend I wasn't a Carol fan, and he almost flipped my breakfast on me in rage. I mean, I know she's tough and a survivor. I also grant that she saved everyone at Terminus. But she's got no off switch - she crossed a threshold at some point and now operates on "everyone is an enemy or tool to

That's an acceptable theory. I might re-watch the episode to see (might) but a graze or strange angle might make up for it. The wound looked a little straight on for my liking.

Totally agree with the reviewer - except for the unexpected rocket launcher murder. I laughed at that for real. And I was proud of Denise - I like how that actress is building the character.

Having seen it - it certainly felt like there was some Anderson influence.

Included in personal maintenance - grooming!

Perhaps - it was just too convenient for me to be realistic. I mean, they were just talking about how it would be impossible to find the grave. But perhaps you're right!

Loved 80% of this episode! I was so on-board till the last…fifteen minutes or so. Then it just got so wrapped around itself that it stopped making sense. And the crowd of women and gong was also a bit of a letdown.

One of the few "Doctor Who" episodes that made me genuinely uncomfortable - more so for how it ends, with the Doctor unnerved.

Loved that first fight - clear delineation of styles and weapon choice. Bit of a cop-out ending, but that's okay.

……Dang it. I don't even own a bookstore.

Fine - no paper. Vente coffee. It's 10%, and you walked into my bookstore! I've already won!

Female fighter pet peeve: If you're going to make it clear your femme fatale is in neck-stabbing stilettos, you sure as heck better make sure your edits don't make it clear she's wearing flats.

If you go regularly, it does work. That's how I sold a lot of memberships - buying a coffee and newspaper a day, you would make your investment back in three months (and that's a tall black coffee - nothing fancy). Practical stuff like that does a lot more than "But you're helping a bookstore!"