adventures of incredibly sad dog

I'm responding way way late to this but I have to rec The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms! If you like fantasy, it's so good and great for a summer read with an awesome female protag.

I have to stop everyone right there, because Shake Shack is the best burger I've ever eaten, hands down, fast food or not. It's just... magical. In fact, I'm going there tonight for my usual "two burgers so I can scarf one down super fast and then slowly enjoy the second one" meal.

I love this author! Have you read her other books? The Orphan's Tale duology is one of my favorites, I want to read it to my kids someday (whenever that happens). So glad someone else has read her! :-)

Oh! I'm not the only one! My mom told me this too when I was a kid and then I walked around my best friend's birthday party asking everyone if they were a virgin, and then giggling if they confusedly said no because for some reason tricking them into saying they were married was funny. My friend's mom overheard this

I think it's because at first it seems like you'll be okay - just do it part time, from home! No muss no fuss, just some extra money. Once you're roped in you realize it's not that easy and start trying harder and harder to get some kind of return on your investment. But you have to buy more products and spend more

Luckily none of my close friends have gotten trapped, but an old friend from hs is totally into one now, it's all she ever posts on fb and about a year ago she tried to recruit me. I just leave her be and watch with interest - she's intelligent and pushy enough that if anyone can succeed at it, she can. But I just

This is the best gif ever and now I want to be best friends.

Are you me??? All of this, yes, especially the secret passageway from the bedroom to the kitchen. Easy to sneak away for some night cheese! :D

I rarely comment, but I feel you, I really do. My best friend vanished on me as well, and years later I still think about her all the time. I don't want to go into specifics because I'm weirdly paranoid that people I know will recognize situations, but after undergrad she went to grad school and I joined the peace

That gif is from a movie looong before his Supernatural days. It's from a crappy TV movie called "Finding Home" and he whittles wood and has a dark secret. It's worth it to look at his pretty, pretty face.

I appreciate the unexpected treat of Misha Collins-in-shitty-tv-movie gif :D

I don't know about you, but Supernatural brings a lot of angst to my life.

Late to the party and I'm sure I'll languish forever in the greys, but as a tea drinker my UtiliTEA Kettle (Electric Kettle) is my favorite kitchen item in the world. Heats up water way way faster than the stove and microwave, different temp settings for different teas, water tastes clean and fresh and fills up just

Thank you so much for writing this. That's why I scared myself silly reading that "true scary stories" post - I want to believe that at least a few of them are true, so that I can hope that something of us remains after death.

I feel very lucky because, while I have frequent sleep paralysis due to a sleep disorder (similar to narcolepsy), they're not usually scary. It mostly happens when I don't take my sleep medication. Sometimes I feel pulled across the room or up the walls, or feel that someone's in the room with me, but often it's not

Just swinging by to say KNOEBELS REPRESENT! I love that place. Train ride through the woods at night is epic. Incidentally, there's a (I think British) documentary on objectum sexuals and one woman is in love with a ride at Knoebels. She goes there in the winter when the park is closed to make out with it.

Sigourney Weaver could burn the world and I'd probably cheer her on. She's just so fabulous.

Just reread that a few weeks ago! Still holds up.

I'm an adult and I have this year's Mr. Winkle calendar hanging in my room. No shame.

I'm DC area too, let's meet up! (if this posted twice, forgive me, I'm mostly a lurker).