adventures of incredibly sad dog

Thank you, and you as well! I'm glad you're so happy - it's important not to give in to societal pressure and to follow your heart and your happiness. I hope you continue to be a bouncing kitten :-)

I'm in a serious relationship with the man I want to marry. For me, it's about embarking on something together. If we just moved in together, I'd feel like we were roommates - roommates who were in love and had sex and cooked dinner together, but roommates none-the-less. Getting married for me is making him my family.

Coming in late to the party, but I always felt like the general hate for 'moist' and 'panties' over other words had to do with the fact that it makes people think of vaginas, and that everyone has internalized that those are icky and not to be spoken of.

My favorite place in Ecuador is Ayampe. It's a sleepy little beach area, not even really a town, with a rocky beach and good surfing. It's quiet and feels very "away" from everything, plus it's a short bus ride from Montanita, a fun beach town with lots of good food, surfing, and stuff to do. If you do decide to stop


Thanks! I'm going to listen to them all :D

Never heard of them! :D Thank you!

Thanks! I'll check them out. I love that 70's vibe.

I have music requests as well! I'm looking for happy summertime music for the upcoming warm weather, and my Pandora has decided I only need to hear the same 20 songs over and over again. Recs?

Ughhh I'm still figuring out this commenting system and I didn't see your response until just now! Is it too late to share tips?

Indeed, verily.

It's the sex and sexism that gets it for me. This glorified Mary Sue of Alex Kingston and everyone jumping the Doctor's bones and his sort of chilling lack of empathy that I was seeing before I stopped watching just made me not care about the characters. Amy and Rory were cardboard stand-ins with no real strengths or

Thank. You. I'm hoping that Matt Smith will leave, take Alex Kingston with him, and then I'll finally be able to watch one of my favorite shows again.

Oh, The Mixed Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler! I haven't thought of that book since I was a wee one. I loved it. Amazing how we forget this things as we grow up.

I'm a huge supporter of women traveling alone. I lived and traveled in South America for two years, and traveled in Spain, England and Paris alone. Traveling alone allows you to slow down and really take in your surroundings, be alone with your thoughts, set your own schedule, and generally feel like you're soaking in

I lived in Ecuador for two years - please go, just be safe about it! It is a beautiful country with a really cheap bus system. The biggest worries are pickpockets on buses (seriously, keep your bag on your lap at all times). Quito and Guayaquil are more dangerous, there has been a rash of "cab kidnappings" where they

And then this happened:

I would watch TCD if it was what the title implies: A younger, lighter take on the same character. That would be perfect: Old fans of the series would get a kick out of watching a more clueless Carrie tripping around New York and to see how she makes her iconic friends, and younger fans would enjoy it like they enjoy