
also the lightsaber is blue, not red like for dark force wielders

With every episode more and more I keep going back to that rumour that Disney was terrified they had killed the golden goose with the one two punch of Solo and Rise of Skywalker. To the point that they were planning a creative hand off to the people who are now running The Mandalorian which lets be honest IS Star Wars

It really is that simple.

Because she got a lightsaber and doesn’t look evil is the correct answer.

Absolutely loved the episode, it totally lived up to the hype for me. The best Disney Star Wars moments have, hands down, no debate, come from Filoni and Co. Clone Wars, Rebels, and Mandalorian have all contained far better stories and characters then the Disney trilogy, which is crazy. Disney got what they wanted

I’m betting that will still happen. Enough people have seen Levi Fett, and there are enough screen grabs for him to live forever.

Corellian warped cotton.

Cosplay would be a lot easier. Imagine a whole 501st unit in jeans!

Dumb move. Jeans could become canon. Disney could sell the hell out of those.

2020 is trying to re-enact every grisly death from the 1970s F1 decade all in one race...

And then a marshall crossing the track carrying a fire extinguisher, an event that has never ended badly in the past /s

Seriously. I cannot wrap my mind around it.


I’ve seen the replay a dozen times and still cannot understand how Grosjean survived.  It's as if there was divine intervention. 

YouTube took down my hobo bludgeoning videos under some trumped up, terms of service nonsense.

As a current Federal law enforcement officer, supporter of Black Lives Matter, and proud wearer of an anti-swastika tattoo long before Antifa was a thing, I think we’re getting a little carried away here.

Coast Guard has the highest ASVAB requirements. People usually assume the Air Force has the highest and the Marines the lowest. The Army is the lowest and the Coast Guard is the highest. Also, the Coast Guard has the most stringent height requirement. So if the ship goes down they can walk back to shore.

Thread over, we have a winner.

Lol, yes Sir or Ma’am, I have. Just giving a J.O. the priviledges their rank has earned them (aka giving them crap).

If Disney can stop a family from putting Spiderman on their child’s grave stone, or prevent a daycare center from using images of Disney characters, they sure as shit can stop these groups from *selling* these items. It’s called a Cease and Desist Order and Disney lawyers regularly fires those things out like a