
Wen referenced her time on Marvel’s Agents of Shield, when a massive fan petition asked to bring Coulson back (something that eventually happened) and expressed hope that it could happen for Fennec in the future. Not just because she loved her time on the show, but because she really loves Star Wars.

Eating spicy food is the way.

Ah, chicken wings. The cause of, and solution to, all of life’s problems. 

I think the old BRZ/86 is better looking, but the bump in power is really nice. From photos I’ve seen, the new interior still looks like dog shit. Aesthetically, the Miata has this beat inside and out. It’ll be interesting to see how it performs.

honestly, the game will chug a bit if you’re playing with a full party of impa’s and there’s a lot going on, but i played docked and portable and it wasn’t too bad. 

You can’t design for every possible human error.”

Irony and karma at its finest.

Now playing

Gotta post the greatest TV intro of all time, one more time.

I recall being on Anguilla when the eye of Irma passed over, dealing with the utter devastation afterwards, then being told to expect both Jose and Maria - possibly as direct hits.

This was my favorite part as well. It seems to me that Favreau and Filoni understand that one of the single best thing about “The Mandolorian” is adding content that makes the already established universe even more diverse and interesting.

Sackoff killed it. I also was also surprised to see Bryce Dallas directed this episode, I think it was a step up from the one she did last year. Also gotta love Baby Yoda’s face when he is having his Planet Earth(Trask?) moment.

Yeah, and the live action Jungle Book (plus Pete’s Dragon) are arguably the only good Disney live action remakes.

Correct me if I am off on this but I think the last planet with multiple biomes was Alderaan. Probably why Tarkin wanted to blow it up, it’s an abomination against the Star Wars Universe’s nature.

Thankfully, she specifies that it’s the forest planet of Corvus.
Because fuck any planet that has more than one biome.

Considering Feloni is directing the episode TWO weeks from now, that seems to be more likely when we’ll see her.


I’m really hoping Calodan is a tree city. I’m still bummed we didn’t really get to see the Wookiee cities of Kashyyyk in ROTS.

It is, and I honestly prefer Jon Favreau's Jungle Book to the animated film, with the "live action" film more moving and suspenseful than the animated version which I've always found a bit flimsy compared to the greatest Disney outputs