
Probably took less than 12 parsecs, too.

Deeply disturbed by how much Pascal in that header looks like Pratt in Guardians of the Galaxy.

I remember when you guys used to give real, plausible suggestions, seems like now this topic has devolved into some weird jalopnik contest to see which writer can pat themselves on the back for giving the most obscure response. 

why haven’t you reported him to the police?

Forget the gaudy Ferraris, the if you’ve seen one you’ve seen them all Porsches and the Mercedes taxi covered in stickers. There’s clearly a very nice Mazda Cosmo there that got not so much as a mention.

So, you might say he went on a “Kessel run”?

I’m just glad there’s a date finally attached. Let’s get weird. 

Eh, January 15th isn’t too bad. Gives the Mandalorian a little breathing room.

This might be the dumbest fucking thing I’ve ever heard. Maybe you can tax the companies who employ those who work from home, since they are saving money by not having to provide as much office space, office supplies, technology (network bandwidth), etc.

Well said. I mean, every joke in the universe lands somewhere on a scale of “darkness” aka “edginess”, and this one — “innocent little green monster unknowingly snacks on what’s left of a dying species” — just falls further out on that line than most.

it’s like, because it’s cute it has to be innocent.  it doesn’t.  in fact, it doesn’t need to adhere to our human moral standards (or even adult moral standards).  things eat other things.  that’s the amorality of nature.  is it terrifying?  yes.  i think it also establishes that cutie yoda baby is a nuanced living

Baby Yoda’s snacking habit was apparently meant to be funny.

Guys don’t forget this.

It’s also on PS4, which are very cheap and easy to come by now with the PS5 about to drop. I’d say grab a cheap PS4 Pro, or regular PS4 if you’re on a budget, plenty of games to play now. 

Yeah, it would be great to see Sony give this game the same treatment they did for Horizon New Dawn and at least release it on the PC. But then they are driving people, like me, to look into buying a PS5 to play these exclusives, so I guess it’s working?

Your bro-ship shall be legendary! It has been written... just now, by me.

You and I would be friends methinks. 

He’s going to have to get rid of the carpet, drapes, and upholstered furniture. Those KFC farts aren’t going anywhere. I don’t even want to know how many Coke can rings are on the Resolute Desk by now.

We may need it.