
Pitch perfect casting. When I think of reanimated corpse I think of Scarlett Johansson. /s

Tin-Tin was great! 

This just goes to show that the image of Mando reaching towards baby Y in the basinet is instantly iconic. It looks amazing even with toys.

That would truly be the darkest timeline.


LDP seems like a cool cat. Cats who freely admit to loving cats are the coolest...err cats.

I just went with year Ponce found the gator state.

I just want some damn acorn throwing Peck!

This is your brain. This is your brain in the year 1513!

Hell yeah. Loved that game. Buddy and I beat it in one sitting.


The Golden Ticket here refers to free legal fees for the resulting criminal manslaughter charges from the said Cars and Coffee event epic drifts you couldn’t not do in a crowded intersection.

I’m always down to clown with puppets in my Star War. Puppets are some of the most memorable characters. Babu Frik was the ONLY good part about Rise of Skywalker and I will hear no argument to the contrary.

Scary stuff. Now I want to write a screenplay about an emergency ISS rescue mission using an unproven new spacecraft from a private company owned by a mega-rich Tony Stark type, with veteran astronauts from different countries having to come together to pull off said daring rescue. You know, fiction.

Best song on the game. I remember sailing on a beautiful frigate in the moonlight on a breezy night when I first really noticed this song during my playthrough. I thought yeah ok, I totally feel like a pirate.

You’re totallyright. It lands in almost the exact same spot. THAT IS INSANE!


I needed that. LOL

They did it. The crazy sons-of-bitches did it. They made me sexually attracted to a funko pop. *hangs head*

That was perfect.