
Yeah that proboscis monkey shot had to be from 2019. Ain’t no way anyone looks like that in 2020. 

Stussy-Man. lol

Hardy was good. He wasn’t the main character anyways. More like the audience surrogate.  

God I hope Hemsworth is the bad guy. I want him to be a muscled-up insane raider boss. Sick of him in generic hero roles. Also after Fury Road how the hell is George gonna top it? I’m not doubting but I have a feeling this won’t be the same brass-knuckled punch to the eyeballs that Fury Road was 30 years after Thunderd

Ready Player One was a fun, mindless book that certainly did not need a sequel. Further proof that in pop culture, success usually breeds mediocrity. 

I’m having a hard time disagreeing with the assessment of the show (I’m six episodes in) but I hate using graphs to determine whether a piece of art should be watched. RT is bad enough.

I mean every mission in SP is kinda outmatched depending on what side you have. I will say the Rebels side feels more desperate and the Empire more business-like which is appropriate. I’m not sure the actual ship counts are really screen accurate at all though. The missions are pretty fun though. There are the shitty

I will forever love stop motion. Yeah they move janky but they’re real physical creations goddamit. Computers are amazing but they can’t replace it ...yet. I love the marriage of the two that Laika and Henson, etc. have used.

Yep I waited two years to play Sea of Thieves and have had a good amount of fun with it. Everyone who played it at launch hates it with the fire of a thousand suns.

Just call it a buddy movie at this point. Don’t need no mentor bs after IW/EG.

What a time to be alive.

Are batshit insane Harry Potter fans worse than batshit insane Star Wars fans yet?

In Soviet Russia, Elon Musks you!


Simpatico amigo.

Dune being delayed almost a year is cruel blow to my heart but a smart move.

Top 5 funniest movie ever.

#GrasburgMineErasure2020 #NeverForget

Sphinx is kinda fun if I remember. 

Nothing for me in this roundup. Bah!