Welp, if Drug Dealers are mass murderers because of the products they sell, we’d better jail and execute every gun manufacturer and tobacco product company. All of GM. Ford, Cadillac.
Welp, if Drug Dealers are mass murderers because of the products they sell, we’d better jail and execute every gun manufacturer and tobacco product company. All of GM. Ford, Cadillac.
Yet another disgusting display of anti-American tripe. He goes on and on attacking would be allies(American citizens), but he has yet to say one derogatory word about Putin, a man who’s primary international focus is on bringing the west in general,and America in particular, to it’s knees.
There will always be racist assholes. That really sucks. I’m a white dude so I’m not going to even pretend to know what that feels like. That said, try to forget these small, feeble, people who’s only recourse against the juggernaut that is Black Panther is to make up weak ass stories that are easily disproved.
I can confirm that these accounts are TOTALLY true: I went to see Black Panther on Thursday night and as soon as I entered the theater, someone had the GALL to look me in the FACE and tell me “YOU DON’T BELONG HERE.” Then they POINTED to the EXIT and said, “BLACK PANTHER IS ACTUALLY IN THE OTHER THEATER, THIS ONE IS…
Poor Joker, it can’t be easy being the Prince of Crime in Gotham when you’re apparently suffering from serious liver disease and scurvy.
Honestly, it’s not like it’s hard to scout for a demon cat.
Jesus H Christ...can we just leave Batman and the Joker alone for maybe ten years? I think we’ve all had enough for a while.
This looks fant4stic!
Hence why this thing is being fronted by Tim Allen.
I look forward to “Ferris Air” which is about the fledgling Air craft manufacturer and is set decades before Hal Jordan ..and” Nuts and Bolts “ the exciting adventures of some nuts and bolts in the years leading up to becoming part of Cyborg’s elbow.
Hmm. That’s a good idea...
Best part of all of this? how much do you want to be every single major Superman villain, Zod/Braniac included, shows up in Metropolis well before Superman appears.
Its funny how often “PC culture” is often just “don’t be an asshole”.
...the company is adding a weird new one: Metropolis, a series set... before the Man of Tomorrow actually arrived.
I have always viewed political correctness as a modern extension of the Golden Rule. But I guess “do unto others as you would have them do unto you” is a pretty rotten message to pass on to the next generation. A world where everyone contemplates how their words and actions affect others would be a pretty terrible…
Bringing Something New To Marvel TV
Follow-up newswire: People of Saudi Arabia immediately demand film ban be reinstated.
Darth Cheeto? More like Darth Sadious...
Oh, the Republicans are deeply troubled by something Trump did? Ya don’t say.
I wonder if they’ll make a bunch of impotent tweets about it and then keep voting like trained monkeys for everything he supports and refuse to exercise Congressional oversight powers in any consequential way.