That’s a good point.
That’s a good point.
Yeah, but it’s usually not so blatant who it is. Usually.
Exactly. When it gets to the point that the government is seriously proposing that teachers be armed in classrooms, that’s when it needs to take a long, hard look at itself (but it’s far from the only reason it should). Hell, some schools making kids wear clear backpacks to see if they have guns should have been the…
On an unrelated note, pop singers who make cute little songs out of break ups? That’s a serious dick move and downright hurtful, depending on the circumstances. But hey, anything for publicity, I guess.
Yeah, that’s what I’m referring to. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. At first it was utterly baffling to me. Like “your career’s already been destroyed. WHY are you digging yourself deeper?” But he’s basically just lashing out. It’s a desperate bid for attention. One last ditch effort to save his dying career.
You’re probably right. Either way, how fucking sick is it that mass shootings are so rampant that someone can survive one and then die in another?
They also can’t seem to go one year without a dozen #1 issues, usually caused by constant crossovers that disrupt the stories of other books. I think Miles Morales and Kamala Khan are on their third or fourth relaunch now. It’s crazy. Peter Parker didn’t have to put up with this shit when he was introduced. Neither…
Seems like a lot of the real talent’s moving on to self-owned work.
“Hey wait, didn’t you say you were latino?”
It makes you really paranoid about getting attached to entertainers, doesn’t it?
They’ll also probably end up redubbing his parts in Secret Life of Pets if they haven’t already.
Yep. It’s the exact same reason for what Kevin Spacey did a week ago.
It’s like with Kevin Spacey. In complete defiance of all logic, they don’t even bother with the illusion of remorse, but instead double down on the kind of awfulness that got them in trouble in the first place. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised, but I kind of am? It’s like they’re both essentially trying to get revenge…
It’s like watching Anakin fall to the Dark Side all over again.
Hell, just look at the stunt Kevin Spacey pulled last week. Instead of apologizing, even if it’s fake, they go against all logic and double down on being horrible.
And he never had a son who managed to survive a school shooting, only to die in another, all because the government refuses to do anything useful.
I remember back in 2016, when I still liked Louis C.K.
Just when I thought I couldn’t lose any more respect for him.
And the thing is, give or take a few years, he probably could have made a comeback.
I love that movie.