The Catholic Church’s defining ritual is confession. It’s drilled into every little girl and boy that, as long as they confess their sins and do a little penance, God is cool with them.
The Catholic Church’s defining ritual is confession. It’s drilled into every little girl and boy that, as long as they confess their sins and do a little penance, God is cool with them.
Yo, anybody remember the short story “The Masque of the Red Death”? Your health is only as secure as the least-cared-for member of your society.
LOL you know you’re a piece of shit when even GLAAD doesn’t give a fuck that you came out.
He seems to be couching his anti-gay views somewhere between “everybody else was doing it” and “it was a different time.”
Reason #34957348957 I love them.
I think you hit the nail on the head here. His coming-out never really achieves any degree of contrition, and he seems to think that the major issue here is that he was naughty with some money. I suspect that his coming out now was less about any growth or change, and more about people hassling him for being a…
Hell, the romantic notion of the gangster family was mostly invented by The Godfather. Real mobsters were mostly violent, unpredictable psychopaths who killed and ratted on each other all the time.
I have little to no interest in the royals, but I always read Kelly on the subject because she makes it interesting. Same with romance novels. Kelly could probably write a weekly column on collecting buttons and I’d read it.
Fun fact: I lived in the US for 2 years, routinely spoke my native french everywhere with friends that were here with me, stole one of y’all jobs for a while, and weirdly enough, nobody ever told me to speak english. People usually swooned and squee’d.
But sure, it’s not racist ^^
On IMDb, the screenplay is credited to three writers: Jordan Peele & Win Rosenfeld (the ampersand meaning they co-wrote their draft), and Nia DeCosta (the “and” spelled out meaning she wrote her draft separately). So most likely Peele and Rosenfeld wrote the initial draft, then when DeCosta came on board she did a…
Hell, Grace Metalious was covering this shit back when she wrote Peyton Place.
My white sister up in Maine, who is generally left-leaning, young-ish, with a half white/black son who has very dark skin, will complain about how the police treat my nephew in one breath, and in the next breath will rail against immigrants/Mexicans and how they need to get out of the country, how evil they are, and…
I don’t believe in *anything* but I am not going to screw around with dead people coming out of mirrors, ok??
But do they have emails about cleaning the breakroom fridge? Or the boring phone conferences because some boss wants to have them, and it should have been an email? Do they gossip about who Amanda from Accounting was seen leaving with at the Christmas party? Is there lame computer programs that noone knows how to…
I was a grown ass man (ok, 21, but still) when I saw Candyman and thought I was big and bad enough to say his name five times.
I got to three and was like, “Boy, you better hush your mouth and play some gospel music!”
Ha, same. That woman has seen enough in her time that she’s probably not going to be particularly upset by a smart, modern woman who goes against the tide.
I’m into anything that brings Piers Morgan’s head closer to exploding.
I suspect the Queen secretly loves Meghan and her ways.
At this point I am mostly getting kicks out of anything that sends the British tabloids (and supposedly the royal family) into meltdown, hope she has a bit of fun with it!
Watch it Mike...ranking Liz #1 will bring the Berners out of the woodwork like flies to shit and remind you: