john smith

This seems to fall under the category of guys who like kids but aren't fathers themselves, or men who like non stereotypical masculine things. Which kid is yours? Oh you just like coaching little league? You sick fuck you are just waiting to rape my little angel aren't you.

This seems to fall under the category of guys who like kids but aren't fathers themselves, or men who like non stereotypical masculine things. Which kid is yours? Oh you just like coaching little league? You sick fuck you are just waiting to rape my little angel aren't you.

The poor actions of others is never justification for our own poor actions. I am just sick of people adopting the "Well they deserved it" attitude. Just do the right thing, be better than them.

you both sound like awful people. If it was that disgusting just stop and leave...texting during sex? He may have been an asshole and rightly deserved to be dumped...but no one deserves to be treated like shit.

Similar situation. The amount of crying I had to put up with, the one and only time I said "lets stop", has made me say faking is great for everyone. I mean I think I shattered this girls world...perhaps it wasn't a healthy relationship to start. Though my experience is never ever tell a girl you faked, they take it

I think this is a statement about the sick shit you watch more than porn in general.

Porn is a product to be consumed, just like any other forms of media. Yes it can be exploitative and yes there is a lot of sick shit out there. On the other hand fantasy can serve as a relief valve...just because a kid likes to watch rough domination doesn't mean he is going to go around raping women no more than a

As per the other post...that is one ugly newborn.

It's ok because the USA has a black president! Racism is dead!

Ok if it was a hate fuck type thing I could see it. I just remember the one time I said "it's ok we can just stop" after 45 minutes of a hook up trying to make me cum. tears mid coitus is something I would never wish upon anyone. I wasn't even being mean about it as she was just getting tired.

Anyway after that the

While no one should do anything they don't like...that just seems needlessly cruel and bitchy. Unless the guy was a huge douche or did something so sketchy during, just let him finish.

I mean I've been with women who just cant get me off, but I fake an orgasm (easy with condoms) after they got theirs and let them go

yup, 100% clickbait.

Have to say I prefered ME2. I felt like all my decision and actions in building my crew in ME2 were discounted in ME3. I wanted Miranda or Jack around not space racist Ashley, I wanted Moradin not Beefcake fan service James Vega... I mean other than Garrus I didn't care who was in my squad in ME3.

They catered to the

Because America fuck yeah.

other than the cheek bones I don't see it.

willing to confess to it and doing it are two very different things. I am sure women have been cheating forever...just like pre marital sex it is now just more acceptable to admit to it.


I am not sur this is a gendered thing, though being the GOP I should assume the worse. Obama and dems ran the whole old and out of touch thing against McCain. It's a successful political attack method...the GOP will trot it out so long as it is effective.

Violence against women is always funny...oh it only funny because they are hetero-normative women? I it is not funny.

Euro-centrism at its best. Assuming they are the center of the universe and all things revolve around them.