john smith

I do watch women's sports (soccer and mma stuff principally and it is carried on my local sports station...often enough that I can tune in). The thing is they are just not big money makers...if you want to see more women's sports coverage you need to vote with your wallets. Buy merchandise, tune into the games, go to

Jez is obsessed with reddit...they repost countless articles from there.

Still a pale reflection of dolly

Are we really calling concern over a woman dating an abusive psycho concern trolling?

Jezebel cross posts from reddit way too much for the amount they rag on them.

arent there closer to 10,000 saints? Though a bunch were removed over time

Being a female saint in the Catholic Church is like being a black member of the Republican Party

The series maybe great...but this really doesn't sound much like game of thrones. Unless we are just lumping fantasy series together for cash grabs. This sounds more staple "Evil villain" hero on a quest type thing...even the country name "Mortmesne" sounds like fantasy trope.

Love people like this, but if your cat is a hunter...keep him inside.

So can we agree people of any gender are horrible horrible people if they do this?


Am I the only one disgusted by the author referring to a minor as a premature ejaculator? Or are we cool with sexual slurs now on Jezebel?

Well some fruits and foods definitely increase blood flow to the that does do something...but rarely enough to be noticeable. So I say mostly bullshit.

I agree whole heartedly on the supernatural thing. Though I find it's the female fan base that is rabid about hating the female characters. Personally I loved that treacherous treasure hunter from season three...was disappointed when they offed her.

Gawker dropping the ball again on science, shocker. How about you read what he has to say instead of making us all look stupid with knee jerk reactions.

Point taken, I meant they deal with a different world than the 1960's. Yes there are still plenty of terrible things going on..but progress I suppose.

I think entitled is grossly unfair. I think we should be happy that women of today do not have to deal with that bs.

I must say I truly love this guy, almost want to travel to nyc for opening night...

You know when all those idiot trolls say women do not understand science, or don't belong in stem fields...yeah thanks for validating them with this idiotic drivel. The bar is already set higher for women...who needs MRA's when we have authors like you undermining women's credibility.

We all need to be a lot more concerned about our planet than we are. Women maternal or otherwise, men, children...everybody...if this is how you need to sell it I don't really care so long as it gets done.