john smith

Mocking sexual dysfunction is awesome!

Because marriage isn't actually a commitment? It is until I get bored of you, get annoyed of doing all the house work, find someone more attractive, financial troubles rear their ugly head, one of us turns into a raging asshole or whatever other reason comes up.

In this day and age if you do not get a prenup you will get what you deserve.

Dowries were traditionally paid by the woman coming into a marriage as society generally viewed them as a burden...I suppose if he is paying the dowry...yay progress?

Giving a fuck when its not his turn to give a fuck...and that is why he is awesome

I agree completely, he often has a beauty and the beast theme...the beautiful on the outside rotten on the inside and vice versa.

I believe you will find tons of scorn heaped on Ned, I mean we still love Ned for being an upstanding guy...but he was an idiot and died for it...most fans male or female say so. Ditto for Robb thinking with his cock rather than doing his duty as king.

Yes god this movie was so horrible, and I am a guy who actively seeks out bad movies to enjoy with friends...sooooo terrible.

whore, he deserves what he gets...he is obviously dressing to be leered at.

Did you even read the study? Stop making feminism a joke with your idiotic hyperbole.


Basically its because she is 16 in mass effect 1 when her relationship with shep starts (shep is what? 30?) fine time passes between 1-2, but its often the indecisive and sometimes childish way she behaves in the romance story arc that draws criticism.

You are right, I was meh towards Jack...she just wasn't a character that appealed to me regardless of gender. I suppose it was because I never used her in my squad...

I still find a great many of the female characters in the ME universe really bland. Tali is pedobear bait (a shame because she has some truly hilarious lines), Miranda has moments but she is what MRA's think strong empowered women act like (Possible to be a brilliant accomplished woman without being a comicly frigid

Jack was menacing when she rocked the skinhead look, in ME3 she was just hot tattooed chick.

Have to agree. It's slightly sad she isnt earning attention for her own merit...but I think you will always live under the shadow of your more famous sibling.

Right hence why I distinguished between not doing it "up to their partners standards" and just not doing anything.

Let me preface this by saying, I do the majority of the cleaning in my relationship (mopping, vacuuming, dusting, sweeping, bathrooms etc etc)...when my girlfriend cleans and its not up to snuff...I thank her anyway for being thoughtful and doing it. If you don't like how your SO does a chore than damn well do it

Exactly, this just undermines valid feminist causes by giving trolls ammo for their "typical angry feminist" arguments.

You really are an embarrassment to feminists everywhere. Ad hominems have no place in any discussion and prove you to be the child.