Got into an argument with my girlfriend over this article. I was angry about the false-equivalence between the cultures, she thought the point was valid that sexism and inequality has many shades and types.
Got into an argument with my girlfriend over this article. I was angry about the false-equivalence between the cultures, she thought the point was valid that sexism and inequality has many shades and types.
I tried to give a long, objective and reasonable answer based on my background as an attorney, but my comment was immediately deleted by the moderator. Thanks Jezebel...way to foster discussion.
Watching Jezebel try to write about science is like watching a kitten play with a ball of yarn.
Hey Jezz/Ms. Ryan -
This whole thigh gap internet nonsense is total bullshit and I hate it. But, please someone tell me where I can get those shorts.
"Obviously we live in a culture where a shirtless man is not as risqué as a shirtless woman; female nudity is more provocative, and the female form as sexual object is an omnipresent reality in the Western World."
PLEASE STOP SHAMING SKINNY PEOPLE. This is fucking offensive and ridiculous, but I can see why a fat tub of lard would find it encouraging. Skinny women are not gross. If you're beautiful when you're 600 pounds and have atrophied legs, a woman should conversely be beautiful when she's 100 pounds, ribs showing and all.…
I know this is a joke but the one about Somalia is very mean spirited and ignorant. Obviously parts of Somalia are having issues right now, but making lame jokes about it seems very ignorant and juvenile. Not all of Somalia is in the civil war and the northern part of the country (Somaliland) is relatively stable and…
Yeah, take that women who dare let their breasts be filmed. How dare they, the dirty jezebels. Shame upon the sluts.
And here I thought cities where built for humans, regardless of what they had between their legs. Redesigning cities to better fit their inhabitants? Great. Now, framing that redesign in gendered essentialism? This is stupid bordering on offensive. I mean, enhancing transportation because women=carting around…
The headline is severely inaccurate. The researchers were measuring opposition to affirmative action, not "inclusive workplace policies.":
"New research shows that watching pornographic fap flicks can turn mild-mannered believers in inclusive workplace policies for women into people who think that maybe women don't deserve a professional leg-up."
Call me crazy, but i'm betting this is NOT what the study showed.
Congrats Tracy on writing one of the best push button articles I've read on Gawker media. Skillfully handled. Just enough sensationalism to push the buttons, but just enough back pedaling to maintain a claim of evenness. I'm sure the feed back has given you plenty of ideas for future articles. You certainly have a…
Yes, the "starter boyfriend" exists too, but again, it's a far kinder designation than "fuck practice," i.e., A boyfriend you have as practice for real relationships you plan to have in the future. Like a starter marriage, this relationship is simply built on the idea of convenience.
An endorsement of sexual violence from Jezebel - what a surprise - more double standards. They've already endorsed domestic violence, so why not support this? Cuz, you know, misandry's not a thing, right? I wonder if walking around, singing about stabbing some chick in the box would qualify as "misogyny". Methinks yes.
Oh come on. I'm no Thicke fan but to say that he was somehow in charge of that shitshow is just ridiculous. I think Miley is a powerful enough young woman to get what she wants, and to imply that she was just playing the "young near-naked woman" in a Thicke-controlled clusterfuck is just insulting to her.
"Women have had the right to vote since 1919, but now many women of color's rights are under attack. In many ways, women's equal access to "humanity" status has backslid since 1971.
It can't be that hard to include submissions from minorities once in a while can it? Jezebel keeps telling every other publication that its just that simple