How much are they paying gawker to keep pumping this terrible show? There are plenty of talented female writers out there...Lena is not one of them.
How much are they paying gawker to keep pumping this terrible show? There are plenty of talented female writers out there...Lena is not one of them.
Right, oh I agree, its the same thing taught in economics 1o1...assuming a rational investor...big assumption there.
This isn't the first type of productivity study of this type and this combined with the 70 cents to the dollar wages...I have always been really curious why we aren't seeing more companies hire women. Hell we are willing to ship jobs around the globe to save money for a just seems absurd that we are not…
I am not an English teacher if it brings you any comfort nor is English my first language. Consider me thoroughly shamed though and all my points invalidated.
Boys can concentrate yes. As an educator though, the level of exposed skin can border that of a strip club at times. Young girls are experimenting with their sexual identity and often try and push the envelope. There are appropriate and inappropriate ways to dress for an environment.
If you have not watched the wire for shame...go binge watch right now
Reposting for not tell me what I feel or do not feel. Blue balls does exist...though its no excuse for any kind of bad behavior.
Aww, tell me again how hard it is to be polite....that isn't because you have trouble as a woman...that's because you have trouble juvenile snarky person.
Hmmm a couple of points.
This has got to be a joke...seriously this has to be a joke.
Eh most guys would be thrilled to get these compliments. This type of objectification is demeaning because women are at a power disadvantage to men in a great many of these scenarios. When directed at a man there is no real threat to him or his they will just laugh it off.
Really in this day and age anyone not a racist/misogynistic/homophobe has a tough time being a gamer (not game developer here). The prevalence of online gaming has turned a solitary experience into a hit or miss experience entirely independent of the game.
I agree that their coverage of these groups could have been handled better but to say this has anything to do with the death of printed media is a stretch. Newspapers are dying from a lack of advertising due to a massive plunge in circulation due to the same information being offered for free and online.
I am a canadian man over just a smidge over is it that I know what this is yet a supposed majority of Americans do not...I find that difficult to believe.
I find this type of discourse occurs with many activist groups. The individual becomes so passionate about their cause that no one else can understand the suffering that they have gone through...and they think the idea that anyone else "suffers" like they do is insulting to their cause.
Right because she is known for stable relationships, if he lasts more than half a season I will come back and admit I was wrong. This strikes me the same way as the black comic relief, or cool black guy who dies so the white hero lives.
Sorry using a black man as an exotic sexual encounter to fulfill some sort of fetish is not a step towards equality. Not funny in the least.
I dont think my children should be racist, sexist, or bigoted and if they reject that 7 great. By the same token I am fine if they also reject the magic sky wizard who sacrificed himself to himself to save us from the hell he created.
I dont think my children should be racist, sexist, or bigoted and if they reject that 7 great. By the same token I am fine if they also reject the magic sky wizard who sacrificed himself to himself to save us from the hell he created.
I dont think my children should be racist, sexist, or bigoted and if they reject that 7 great. By the same token I am fine if they also reject the magic sky wizard who sacrificed himself to himself to save us from the hell he created.