The level of betrayal here just compounds how sick this is. I feel physically ill for this woman, a violation like this is horrible in its own people you trust to look out for you when you are weak...just makes it doubly awful.
The level of betrayal here just compounds how sick this is. I feel physically ill for this woman, a violation like this is horrible in its own people you trust to look out for you when you are weak...just makes it doubly awful.
Ill bet someone a donut he is a crazed reigious nutjob.
As with all things, it is only horribly evil if I do not profit from it.
The problem was I think made far far worse by the DA and all the talking heads who refused to issue any sort of apology or retraction on the subject for so long. Nancy Grace and her witch hunt brigade did women everywhere a huge disservice.
Golden Rule: Do onto others as you would have them do onto you. I am an atheist but it is still a damn good rule to live life by. Normally I am not spiteful but I truly hope someone you love deeply and truly cheats on you...and when your heart is broken and battered on the floor you think back to writing this article.
Yup have gotten mocked mercilessly for finding athletic/muscular women attractive. Not that I care as being referenced as gay (I am hetero), but the idea that there is something shameful about my tastes is just annoying.
Women with muscles are incredibly sexy.
have to agree here, decent but not great. Shell out a few extra bucks for a decent brand suit and it will be well worth the investment.
There is vocabulary that is appropriate to every situation that is the nature of language. It is the same reason academic papers are phrased one way, casual conversation another, calls to our parents another.
self censoring is part of adulthood its the same reason you don't randomly say everything that comes to your mind.
fuck, shit, cunt, bastard, bitch, asshole, dickhead, cumstain, motherfucker, cocksucker....
People treat people like shit in life, yes men should treat women with respect but there will always be assholes out there just like there will always be thieves, murderers, conmen, racists.
Don't worry jezebel cross posts from reddit at least twice a day, don't take it to heart.
Well it came up with family. A family member was ragging on people who got prenups, about how selfish it was and how those people are pathetic. I suppose the smart thing would have not been to rise to the bait...but I said "well oh yeah...I have one and we were both fine with it".
I'm curious as to what people on that note think about prenuptial agreements as a solution. I am substantially better off than my partner and when we bought a house together, I said I wanted a cohabitation agreement (basically a prenup for people who are common law).
Yes. She had a mentally ill child her guns were not properly secured...this would be no different if her 5 year old accidentally shot someone. While this is still tragic and I dont say she is a murderer...she has a role to play in this tragedy.
Yup, I honestly believe the whole pick up artist thing is a placebo. It gives the guy the confidence to approach a ton of women...the technique maybe utter pretentious crap...but then he scores...and all of a sudden its because X pick up secret...not that he hit on 50 women. Then the circle of life continues.
You may have to realize he is just stalling because he isn't interested.
If it wasn't effective they wouldn't do it. Perhaps its not effective on you, but they are not trying to win love or affection here...just get someone into bed. The pick up artists doesn't care if 50 women in a row find him disgusting if 51 sleeps with him.
Sorry you lost me with the half assed story arc of ME 3.