john smith

I agree the default should be to laugh at victims and assume that it isn't a genuine plea for help.

If one person is forcing their fetish on their partner with less than their enthusiastic consent this is sick and repugnant.

Your banner headline translates to "no, I don't regret nothing" ...which I suppose could be ok...but not what I think you intended.

Because all men are assumed to be horny by default?

Likewise men should divorce their wives if they are not providing enough of the kind of sex they want.

Ok white male here, chiming in. I hate...hate hate...when white men whine about their first world problems (frankly I hate it when any privileged group does so, rich white women, rich anybody).

Right, which in my mind is the social conservative wing. Fiscal conservatives do have a place.

What the hell is this even supposed to mean? You are too lazy to vote because you are busy taking shots and eating hummus? I love hummus too, but seriously this is just so vain and self absorbed...

yeah...this seems like a bad idea.

Stop talking about how in the bag things are. Get out and vote, nothing is over till the last ballot is cast.

when a population does not grow, neither does the economy.

Right and this may just be blondes in our is the same logic why so many politicians and CEO's have affairs. Simply a matter of opportunity not that "blondes" or whoever are inherently more inclined to cheat.

Well I have heard it said the more opportunities you have to cheat because you have a trait considered desirable (be it wealth, blonde hair, athletic physique whatever) the more likely you are to cheat. A fat unemployed lazy slob living with mom most likely has trouble attract one partner and will have less chances

You can try...but really you need to ask yourself was he sincere in his desire to not have children?

Jezebel has no scientific credibility, this should not shock anyone. I just enjoy mocking the stupidity and showing my scientifically inclined female friends.

thank you for making me feel old

Though to be fair, perhaps I am just jealous that this wasn't my first kiss.

If genders were reversed you would not even be asking this question.

Why the hell is this on the learning channel

I meant at the time you were enrolled in school (yes i was confusing tenses, bad on me).