john smith

The point is correct, your father was an anglophone thus you are allowed to go to an English school. If both your parents were francophones, or your parents were a mix of francophones and immigrants or two immigrants you would not be allowed to go to an English school.

You assume that hydro quebec, most of whose dams are built on federal land or native land...would stay in Quebec if it separated. If it did indeed separate, Quebec's map would not be the province of Quebec as it is drawn on a map today.

Actually it is also to point out the complete hypocrisy of the PQ in how they have dealt with native rights issues in Quebec.

Completely is trying to make our children healthier a bad thing.

So legally dictating what language my child can be educated in is cultural preservation? The choice should be mine.

No I dislike Harper immensely...was hoping for a NDP government (yeah I know fat chance). Marois is a racist who caters to the segment of the population who wants to tear our country apart.

For those not familiar with Marois or her policies

For those not familiar with Marois or her policies

Only if you approve of the tacitly racist policies that the PQ fosters.

I would have to say Barack, but I figure he needs a stiff drink more these days.

While I adore Michelle Obama...I think this will be the case whether it is first wife or first husband. The first spouse gets to focus on feel good initiatives that are largely uncontroversial and do not need to carry water for the truly divisive social/political/economic issues.

While I agree that a great deal of importance is placed on women's beauty...make up and appearance has been part of human culture and society since the dawn of civilization.

Jezebel having any clue about an issue related to science? Why am I not shocked that they got it wrong again.


Then why do people act shocked when the opposite sex likes you when you are dressed down? You like what you like, we like what we like.

I am not even sure how to respond to this. This is what robs the movement of credibility.

I think you are taking the slavery too literally. I believe the contract was penned to demonstrate all the wiping, spanking, bondage etc was not abuse but part of a mutually agreed upon relationship.

Wonderfully offensive. Don't try and confuse the lady brain with girlfriend would love being told she is too irrational to handle facts during an argument.

Theme song, game of thrones...most in love The Wire.

So non of the talent or inspiration that made black isle great. Let me guess...hacked and cobbled together pvp and discernible choices and very little in the way of story?