john smith

Actually having taught in all girls schools (and all boys, and co-ed) I have found more girls are inclined to be sporty and let their hair run wild when there are no boys around. The girls participated with far more vigor in phys ed and were willing to try things that genuinely made them look less than lady like.

Yup, I have had women say if "only you would do x,y or z" you would be so much more attractive (friends so they weren't being cruel they just wanted a man to torment with beauty help I guess) and I just sort of laughed it off...with a "no I am good looking enough as it is".

I prefer sporty women...and good health in general leads to good skin (usually), but you are right. While I do like women who do not wear make up...they are also naturally attractive. I do not think this makes me a bad person however as we can rarely control what we find attractive.

Wow humiliating a guy about the size of his junk, classy. I am against people shaming others about the size/shape/choice of what to do to their body...hahaha that guy has a small dick he is pathetic.

Actually...some guys do just like natural skin flaws and all. My long time gf never wears make up (as in we just do not have any in the house), she has put on some for weddings and formal events but frankly she looks 10x better without. Our first date involved hiking up a mountain...give us the benefit of the

Doesn't this all boil down to the fact that there is no one universal standard of what men find appealing? People need to stop chasing some sort of universal ideal that does not exist...sure trying to look great for your partner, or the guy/girl you want to attract is fine and dandy...getting hung up these things is

While wine does have its benefits (and I love a good pinot noir in the summer) most of these benefits can also come from other far more healthy sources. Alcohol no matter how delicious often comes with its own health baggage.

Oh I agree with you. I also think people who do not use protection until their partner is checked out are idiots...Oh my boyfriend/girlfriend loves me so much and they said they were clean so it is fine...

Assuming both of you have no std's, there is zero risk of contracting an std from each other even if you have sex once a day for a year. If I sleep with a new partner once a day for a year...even with perfect condom use I am at risk for STD's.

By hooking up I don't mean having sex, hook up culture generally implies many short term relationships. Look I get that you can be safer, but sleeping with many partners does increase your risk factor.

Also as someone else pointed out, condoms are not 100% prevention of anything. If I am hooking up every other night my chances of and STD, even if I am using condoms/dental damns etc 100% of the time, skyrocket.

Idiocy at its finest, I hope she sues their ass into the ground. I am sure as hell that she is going to win too...

I agree I think as many unemployed and undereducated men as possible is what we need to teach men a lesson. Frankly I am not even going to allow my sons to go to school anymore...that will teach them.

How about we are smart enough to know what is attractive on our own? Slim, curvy, athletic, bbw...please don't insult men with vast generalization. Or shall I counter with women have been tricked into being materialistic hussies? Oh wait that would be sexism...don't do it.

Thank you.

This makes me slightly ill...

I meant the author not you....but yes anti science attitudes are infuriating.

Humanities degree doesn't make you an idiot. I smell ignorance

I dislike the science that proves climate change, thus I will chose to ignore it. Let the study fall or stand on its merits.

Happens to men too, it is just as is a sign of a weak argument vs strong argument or bully/sophist vs rational adult...not a gender thing. A woman I know does this often and just drowns out anyone who says anything to contradict her decree of the day.