john smith

Loved that interview, but the sad reality is that facts have little impact in politics these days. Just look at the tea party...I mean from an ultra cynical perspective it at least makes sense why the rich would push these agenda's, they are looking out for their own interest. Yet when the poor or middle class repeat

Frankly I think it is just far more rational to castrate all men at birth just to be on the safe side.

Stop fat shaming, my uncle 7 times twice removed ate a dozen donuts a day and lived to 80.

The american women did great...but these articles just seem like gloating at a certain point from a wealthier better funded country.

This needs to be finished...or carried on, this must not end with anyone class it is too brilliant

My point wasn't so much that they should or should not find them attractive as much as the response that not fitting a certain mold was "disgusting"

Well I think the issue is men pretending to be women, and winning events that they would not have won if they competed as men.

If they were just doing this in a cold clinical way as part of their job, I would say fine...cost of doing business as unfortunate as it is...we all get treated equal.Equally probable though that they are just getting off on a power trip and getting to feel up women...

Strong athletic women are gorgeous...

Wasnt there an article just the other day complain about how terrible it was because people didn't use female olympians to advertise things?

My comment is not about your original size, or your body shape, or your comment is that on a 1200 calorie diet that is highly active that you will not lose weight...your BMI may call you overweight. Mine says I am and I hit the gym 5 days a week and usually run 5-10k every other day.

I am sorry that is just not possible, if that is true you have just invented perpetual energy. Your body consumes more calories than that just to stay alive. Unless you are two feet tall and weigh 40 lbs...1200 calories is what a sedentary 5 year old female child consumes to maintain body mass. Assuming when you say

A thousand times yes

Yes. explain to an eastern european man who is barely making minimum wage trying to support his family how privileged he is because no one will recognize his degree. Women have it rough no doubt, but simple generalization never works.

Dont tone shame!

Ah ok, I have never seen that particular add...that is gross

which is tragic, because our daughters should be allowed to fight, sweat, and struggle to the pinnacle of athletic prowess just like any man, and if they make it there? Well then they should damn well be admired for it.

Yeah as was noted by others, Chocolate milk is actually one of the best post work out foods you can get. Simple carbs, protein and all that good stuff. You are not going to be drinking it during the work is what you drink after you have showered and changed. There is about a one hour window after working out

But my 3rd cousin twice removed had a cat that was 50lbs and it was fine because that one cat was at the peek of physical health so no cats should be concerned about being overweight.

The school I teach at does an awareness campaign, but I feel its not really reaching the kids well enough. The fact that many of the older teachers just do not get the depth in which these forms of communication have replaced phone calls I believe is part of the problem.