
This lettuce is primo, man. You can't find hydro anywhere this cheap.

They did this in an issue of Playboy a month or so ago. I wasn't all that impressed.

"I use it in my homeā€”and I live in a brick house. And I've gotten reception where I haven't gotten it before, I'm thrilled. That doesn't mean other people don't have problems, but that's been my experience."

@Jux: "YOU have to be willing to die for whales."

@dfp3050: That piece of shit captain deserves to be eaten by a whale. I'm gonna use the SpaceStar Ordering system for that one.

Is it just me, or without audio would this look just like a video released by a terrorist organization?


Cracker Thief!!!

Just started the video. Weirdly, it seems like Jobs is blaming Giz?

I get tired of this 2012 crap. Did it ever occur to anyone that perhaps the year 2012 was far enough into the future that they didn't think they needed to extend their calendar that far?

@hawkeye18: Ha! You're right. I just wasn't in the right mindset. Now I'm going to have to start coming up with a list of all the things that HD could stand for.

Ah, the exact opposite of HD.

As someone who lives in a town where almost all the schools and many public buildings are named after astronauts and rocket scientists, I agree that the meaning cannot be overestimated.

This reminds me of something....

I think the real telling bit is the inclusion of the new iPhone4gs in the images.

None of the Above. Jobs is going to come out and tell everyone that they're holding their phones wrong, then teach them to do it properly.