
There's no getting away from these jackasses. No winning either.

I'd give myself a head injury just trying it out. 'Cause you know... I gotta see if it actually works.

Another thing that doesn't bode well for Apple is the fact that BP news is getting stale. It's about time for a new company to cycle in, and Apple may have just elected itself new pinata. I bet at least free bumper cases start falling out if you whack it hard enough.

I've cursed at many a thumbdrive for deciding to temporarily not plug into a usb slot.

@OCEntertainment: Yeah, the GV/Gizmo5 marriage is on my wish list as well, I've been using my GV number for a year now (I think...) and I've actually replaced my regular cell phone voice mail with the GV voice mail. I find it much easier to manage, as I *hate* listening to voicemails.

Apple also bought Lala. We still haven't seen any measurable gain from it.

@iScrewFanbois: I just slammed the rest of my morning coffee reading the replies to this comment. Thanks for subliminally making me crave coffee. Now I must find more.

"This is a non-issue."

@Kaiser-Machead v.2.1.1: I agree about the social aspect of Picasa if that's what you're referring to. But as far as the Picasa 3 application goes, I haven't found anything that is as powerful. The facial recognition is *incredible.* However, that continues to prove the writer's point, that I'm a panda when I use

"Facebook is literally filled with master baiters"

Carnegie Mellon has been doing great things with vehicle automation... Just ask DARPA.

@hasdrupal: I see Matt Damon playing Karetnikov...

I still have the Pro I bought in February of 2006. It RRoD'd (finally, for the first time) three weeks ago. I finally got around to fixing it last night. So, I'll not be buying an Arcade, in fact, everyone I know who should own a 360 already does. So where's all the money for these redesigns coming from?

WTF Russia? Spies? Seriously? I thought we were over this whole "Cold War" thing. C'mon, it's not like we've been spying on anybody...

How could this be used outdoors? Any kind of rain, forget about static igniting gasoline at the pump, you'd have people keeling over and taking out everyone in the same puddle.

"Your Current Phone is Filthy."