
Aw, I miss Short Circuit.

They better get their customer service together. That's why I left Sprint for T-mobile in the first place.

I'm starting to think that MS competing with Google, Apple and everybody else is going to be a very good thing for consumers.

@trucknuts: Trollin', trollin', trollin'....

Should we be surprised?

"Of course, the formal name of the person to wait for paper Jobs decisions"

It's supposed to be watching these critical infrastructure systems. So unless you're inclined to start blasting naked pictures of yourself at machines controlling the power grid, I'm gonna say that it's not making that big of a difference in your life.

@Jonny_eh: Ah, ok, well, if the EFF fails...

This is where he gets all his expertise.

@Lupus_Yonderboy: The plans have been filed in your local planning office for the last 6 galactic standard-months. If you had any objections they should have been filed in the allotted time period.

I use a jailbroken and unlocked iPhone. I don't use any pirated Apps. In fact, I have purchased Apps from Cydia. I have also purchased Apps from Apple's App Store. I use T-Mobile, I will say that I think it's ridiculous to pay for the $25 3g smartphone plan, when I can only use edge. So, if anything, Apple might

I wonder if this works anything like in Hitchhiker's Guide....

Wait a second, is this another +1 for my unlocked iPhone? Why yes, I do believe it is.

Hello Chaps,

Hmm, if we could just get a McDonald's over there we could avoid WW3.

I rather like the custom background... It's connected to my Picasa web albums. So I didn't even have to upload an image. Kind of awesome, kind of unsettling. Now if I could just have it randomly select pictures from one of those albums every load...

So will this work for my 2g? I'd get it for hiking alone...

Yeah, a website called "ifixyouri" would have no reason to fake a broken iPhone 4. No reason at all. Especially since they don't sell "iPhone Protection Plans."

Netflix is what kept me from seriously looking at the older model... Now how to get my wife to let me spend money on it...

@OCEntertainment: Thanks, now everyone at work thinks I'm insane for bursting out laughing randomly... Oh well, it's not like they thought I was stable anyway.