
I started using Windows 7 as soon as the public beta opened up. It was a really exciting time to use Windows. Since then, the shiny new os has gotten dinged and dirty through use and it doesn't have that fresh OS smell anymore. I got an iMac for my wife and have been learning OS X so that's been fun, but it's so

It's not available for me yet... I'm a CR-48 user. Any beta testers able to get this yet?

So here's the deal: I own an Xbox 360, an Apple TV and have used Windows Media Center and GBPVR in the past. My family went 6 months without Cable TV (we kept the Comcast internet.) I've also ripped our 700+ disc dvd collection to my home computer in an Apple TV compatible format.

@battra92: That issue of Wired was the one with the "provocative" cover. It was a month or so ago, excellent article btw.

Now if only I knew whether or not I was going to get one too...

@tasteskindasalty: To be fair, it's not really Wikileaks leading the charge on this. It's the hivemind from the Mos Eisleys of the internet. That being said, from everything I can tell they're not really condemning "Anonymous" for doing this either.

The real hilarity in all this is the traditional media trying to report on what's going on, not understanding what's really happening and screwing stuff up. Then Sarah Palin pops her head in and says "HEY HEY ME TOO! I'M UNDER ATTACK TOO!!!" I'm pretty sure that half of this stuff is for the... (wait for it)... lulz.

@Darkelementz: If 'suspicionless search' isn't unreasonable, then all airports should be nude only.

@DirtyDogg: Well there's Spam Spam Spam Facebook and Spam. That's not got much Spam in it.

Facebook mail won't kill gmail. AOL mail maybe, but there's no way you're gonna put on your resume and/or business card.

This bothers me. The TSA is the entire reason I won't be flying this holiday season.

Ok, how about this Warner? You never give Netflix DVD's to release. You just give them streaming rights that begin two months after a movie is released on DVD in stores.

@Hooray4Zoidberg: Somebody hit him! He's stuck in a recursive apathy function!

Ah, Voter apathy...

@ThisIsSharksTerritory: *facepalm* Apparently I do need a physics refresher, and another cup of coffee.

Look, I get weights and measures nerds being concerned about a few extra molecules here and there, but I would think that changes that minute would be irrelevant compared to gravity's differing effect based on the location that it's being measured from. Weight is kind of a weird metric anyway when you really think