
Hire an attorney and make the campus expel the students who made the threats. The ACLU, and the NAACP Defense Fund take these cases. If the university does not take action against the threat file suit against the University and take action against them. Make them do it. She has every right to be there. That’s my

There are rumors circulating that her divorc” bid is really a strategy by both of them trying to save at least one of the money makers since he is out at Weinstein Co. The word is they think if she distances herself from him, the line might be able to bounce back, but that she has no intention of following through on

I think this sums it up:

It’s the settlements. What? 8? 10 of them? How did she not know?

It was an “open secret” that Weinstein was a serial abuser and wasn’t even coy about it. Of course she knew. She’s the white Camille Cosby. But I’m sure she married Jabba the Hutt for love...

Why did I just have to wonder if this will hurt her career more than it hurts his?

I’m feeling ambivalent about this. On one hand, I hate to see women held accountable for men’s bad behavior, but on the other hand, she used his power to advance herself and, I mean, she knew, right? But! Maybe she didn’t. Abusers are good at only showing certain sides of themselves to certain people.

All the local BSA troops are affiliated with Christian churches. Southern Christian churches, mind you. I know that, because I ~investigated~. So. Enjoy your hippie scouting. It doesn’t exist here. The national organization still had bigotry as official policy when my boys were young (no gay, trans, or atheist

The BSA’s regressiveness is a thing of the very, very recent past and still in some ways baked into the org’s DNA. The vitriol is coming from BSA acting like GSA doesn’t exist or, at best, misrepresenting the breadth of their programming options—all with the intention of pilfering their membership roles.

Thank you. As a 7 year Girl Scout, I’d give you more stars if I could.

For good reason. Girl Scouts USA has been VASTLY more progressive than Boy Scouts on all accounts. The very fact it even exists is because Juliette Gordon Lowe wouldn’t take shit from Boy Scouts.

There are some (now broken) benches on top of a local hill that a local Boy Scout troop installed five years ago in order to attain Eagle Scout rank. Probably took them the better part of an afternoon and a jug of Country Time Lemonade, and they get to trade off of that achievement for the rest of their lives like it

Agree. I didn’t even get my Gold Award because it was so damn hard but then saw all these shithead boys getting their Eagle for building a fucking gazebo or something. SMDH.

I was a Girl Scout from 1st grade to 12th grade and I am 100% for girl-only spaces. It’s very healthy for young girls to have the opportunity to learn and socialize without worrying about what boys are going to think or say.

The problem is that the BSA has been dick-waving for decades while the GSA has truly stepped up in inclusivity and empowerment 

Girl Scouts can attain “Gold Stars.” The fact that it isn’t as “prestigious” as the Eagle Scout rank is more to blame on the fact that men ascend the powerful ranks of society more than women, so Eagle Scouting is therefore more associated with leadership.

I was a kid in the 80s and Girl Scouts was the only time in my life that I saw and was encouraged to emulate women in leadership roles. Girl Scouts are girls and women. There is no one to talk over us, mansplain to us, or condescend to us. That is INCREDIBLY valuable and the reason my daughter is a Girl Scout and will

The Silver Award in Girl Scouts is about equivalent to Eagle. However, Girl Scouts offer awards *beyond* Silver that are more involved and take greater leadership skill demonstration than Eagle does. But how many folks have heard of the Gold Award?

Because GSUSA doesn’t want to merge.

But do they accept atheists? I have always felt that Girl Scouts has always been (or tried to be) inclusive and the Boy Scouts are just catching up.