Don’t forget you can dismiss. Especially people who go by the name Dr. Racist.
Don’t forget you can dismiss. Especially people who go by the name Dr. Racist.
You gotta love the fact that this righteous, responsible gun owner ignores basic tenets of firearm safety by having that thing pointing at what must be a whole bunch of living humans while he waves it around. The only thing that would have made it worse was if he had accidentally pulled the trigger while sticking it…
Yes. Or at least I think so. I’ve recently become unnervingly fascinated with this phenomena, and if you go through and look at the accounts that RT and Fav, a lot of them are like @DeplorableMomLuvTrump030294098, they all have similar bios with nothing but #Deplorable #ChristiansLoveTrump (and for some reason a TON…
So, I thought conservatism was supposed to be, in part, about upholding the rule of law. Moore seems like a weird candidate, since he’s best known for ignoring the SCOTUS on multiple occasions. It’s almost like the the GOP prizes resentment and pseudo-masculinity over actual conservatism (see also, Arpaio, Joe)
Also sad too. WTF America.
Not saying it’s safe anywhere in the U.S. but the strangle hold on black folks politically and socially in Mississippi and Alabama is special man.
I’m going to call bullshit on you attending protests and supporting anti-racist causes, or you wouldn’t post such an obnoxious Racism 101 question on a site like this.
I’m actually amazed this documentary is even happening. Talking about an unknown black woman’s rape. Damn. This is the history we’re supposed to forget (like it was 400 years in the past), even though she’s still alive. Even moreso we’re supposed to forget it because it happened to someone ordinary and it was…
Sister. And love interest.
You know I was thinking this morning that anyone black in Alabama needs to be at least thinking about a way out.
Right. Especially considering what the police unions who are supposed to represent them have said—repeatedly and without shame—about Black Lives Matter
This shit right here is the reason why some cops, who are pro-BLM (Black Lives, not Blue) are too scared to speak up in fear of getting punished by their police dept, getting fired, or being harassed/threatened/hazed by fellow cops.
That is exactly what my grandmother said to my mother. My mother was not the type to hold her tongue and Granny was afraid that she wouldn’t make it. Got her the hell out when she was 11.
My family, both sides, go back at least 8 generations in Alabama. I was the first boy that wasn’t born there (my aunt was born 9 months before I’s long story). Years later, I asked my mom why I wasn’t born there and she said “after those white men bombed that church in Birmingham and killed them (4) little…
This is amazing. She’s 97 years old and she’s still fighting for her justice.
Acceptable Behavior for Police Officers 101:
This kind of shit is exactly why I left the art world. I saw a vegan I graduated college with (I know she’s vegan because she never shut up about it) defending this because it’s only through “extreme art” that we become “disgusted with ourselves.”
The past few days have been the ultimate example of how electing Trump was exactly like making Your Racist, Possibly Alcoholic, Definitely Ne’er-Do-Well Uncle™ president. Said uncle cares enormously about sports, even though he hasn’t been in anything resembling decent shape since age 22 or so.