
Steph Curry: I’m going to vote “no” on a White House Visit

Pete Souza (former official WH photographer for President Obama) knows, even if Agent Orange doesn’t

Then followed it up with “(It) was a great honor until you showed up!” 

As a loyal LeBron hater, I seriously have to rethink my position after that savage tweet. A BUM??!!!?!! NOOOOOOO!!!!!!


“You can’t quit! I’m firing you!”

Re: Black athletes standing up for what they believe in

He’s just upset that the Warriors scored more points than the Cavaliers in achieving victory, a concept he is unfamiliar with.

Did someone tell fat ass that Steph wasn’t going? Better yet does dumb fuck know that Steph has already been to The WH & met a real leader?

K.J. Apa, who is currently making headlines because he fell asleep at the wheel after a 14.2-hour work day and crashed his car into a light pole.

How very straight edge!

It seems like a small scale roaster found a problem and did the responsible thing. Am I missing something?

Their spectrum runs from “don’t you dare have an abortion and kill a baby!” to “Oh. My. God. Like, why do you think it’s MY problem that YOU need clean water and prenatal care?” doesn’t it?

All the way up to that corrupt governor.

5. Identifies as a “Christian.” I’m not sure if she could actually check that one tho.

This lady wins the award for Most Stereotypical Racist for 2017.

You first, heifer. Move back to whatever European hole your ancestors were running from. Unless of course they were criminals and transportees and also dragged here unwillingly. You know, like black people who were enslaved were dragged here unwillingly. If that’s the case then just STFU.

I typed “my facebook account got hacked” into google-translate and it came back with “oh shit, I got caught”

It’s especially interesting to hear people complain about “the government paying for everything” when the government literally pays her salary.

Good thing we just launched a 13 billion dollar aircraft carrier to defend these people’s right to be poisoned for years by tap water. How the fuck have we not gotten this city back on Detroit’s system, built a brand new treatment center or at least kept some more attention and money focused on the issue?!?!?!?