
...only one of them who has actually had to earn their way in the world with hard work and talent is Markle.

I just hope this has the effect they intended and gets the gross press off their backs a bit.

Harry inherited millions of pounds from his mother. They will be fine.

I blame Lorde for this.

People hear “fetal abnomalities” and they think Down Syndrome or cleft palate. Most people have no idea how bad birth defects can get. They have no idea what kind of living hell they may be sentencing a child to by allowing it to be born at all.

Wouldn’t matter to them.  It’s all part of “God’s plan” to them.  They only want complete control over women and nothing else.

Find some statistics about many babies die say within a month of birth because of birth defects. Learn the names of a few conditions and find out the cost of keeping a dying baby artificially alive. Confront these assholes with how brutal real life can be

No one goes through this process seeking a “perfect” baby. It’s about reducing certain, unnecessary, legitimate suffering for both the fetus and the mother.

I remember talking to an anti-abortion protester and asking him (because of course he was a him) “what about situations where the fetus is nonviable?” Then I had to explain what that means, that the fetus was never going to be a living human, or at least not one who would be alive for longer than a few painful hours.

It’s not “imperfect” it’s nonviable, that baby is not going to be a living human being for very long or not at all. Sure, I suppose you could force the individual to continue with the pregnancy, then go through the medically dangerous and emotionally harmful process of giving birth to a baby that won’t live, while

People aren’t terminating pregnancies because of imperfections. The three I know did it because two of the babies had chromosomal abnormalities and several serious birth defect and the third had an untreatable heart condition that would mean death within moments of being born. These three pregnancies were very wanted

More stories like this. One thing I’ve noticed in the abortion debate is that people often bring out “rape, incest or the mother’s life being in danger” as the holy trifecta of reasons anyone should condone abortion. Fetal abnormalities are almost always missing, but they are the reason behind the vast majority of

I had an abortion at 20 weeks for a chromosomal abnormality and I cannot imagine having to go through it in a state that refuses to treat women like human beings. I made the decision based on conversations with my OB and a doctor who specializes in chromosomal abnormalities. They were able to give me the information I

3-5 really is the best age.  Old enough to actually go places and do things, you’re still their hero, seeing Santa is an awe-inspiring, stupefying experience.

My nephew asked me why i always wore the same shirt when he saw me. It’s called you see me once a month you jerk and you are paying far more attention than I am to what i’m wearing to go to my parents house for Sunday lunch!

My favorite little kid dis is “You scribble.”

Yeah, I’m not going to lunch with any stranger at a place so expensive that the first words out of my mouth have to be: “You got this, right?”

“6. If you had a choice between lunch with Jay-Z or $317.59, which would you choose?

You know, after a hard day of eating collard greens, listening to Alanis Morisette, watching anime, knitting sweaters for manatees, and picking out which Swedish death metal album is going to be great for Christmas along side Mariah Carey, this list was right on time to prove once and for all that