
Get a better job, huh. That’s the answer?

I did the same thing two years ago. Heart palpitations, shortness of breath etc. I sat in the waiting room for 5 hrs after being triaged. Hell by that time I was feeling better and was about to leave. A nurse came running out and stopped me. I had multiple blood clots in both lungs and the right side of my heart had

This is absolutely fucking wrong and I really hope her family sues the hell out of them. It won’t bring Tashonna back, but maybe it will teach the hospital a lesson so that this doesn’t happen to someone else. She should have been given nitroglycerin, aspirin and morphine, put on oxygen, hooked up to a heart monitor, a

I drove myself to the hospital with chest pain about five years ago, and saying “chest pain” stirred up the ER like kicking a nest of ants. I was in an exam room hooked up to a monitor in five minutes. Every nurse and the doctor* gave me a long, angry talk about how stupid I was for driving myself in. They kept me

Let’s make Phelps compete with female swimmers then. Should still be fair, right?

You know what’s really unsettling? His victim not reaching adulthood, let alone her twilight years. Save your compassion for someone who deserves it.

Children shouldn’t murder their baby-mamas with kitchen knives just because they don’t want to be parents, then.

Michael Phelps competes in an open category. Anyone in the world is free to challenge him.

Poetic justice to whom?  Cis-women?  Are you out to punish us?

girls wanting to compete against other girls are not traitors of anything

To everyone saying that we shouldn’t regulate this with laws, we did! Title 9. And it opened up massive opportunities for girls and women, because scholarships and titles were now available to high schoolers. For us older women, we saw it unfold! The republicans are douchebags and are not on our side. But many of us

These legislators aren’t the proper people to tackle this nuanced issue. But Jezebel writer’s have shown multiple times now that they aren’t able to deal with in logical and scaled way either.

People complain about the right denying science, but it seems to me the left is every bit as willing to ignore the science if the science isn’t politically correct.

If you think that it’s fair that a male-bodied person should be competing against females then you don’t even science.

What about non-binary athletes? What about agender athletes? What about genderfluid athletes? Should non-medically transitioned trans boys or trans men be forced to compete in the male category even if they would prefer to compete in the female category?

Those are serious questions, by the way. I’m tired of seeing this

It doesn’t actually take a large amount to be statistically significant at the winning levels. This is a real and present issue in women’s sports right now, with both trans women and XY, androgen-sensitive women athletes. 

I guess nobody will be able to complain that women’s sports are boring to watch when both are being played by men.

Inappropriate as fuck” is better I suppose. 

This is excellent news.  Quite appropriate and long overdue.

That picture choice is odd...