
I’m gonna echo Odango here. You seem to be expending a lot of energy on this friend. It’s difficult to imagine why unless maybe you enjoy the back and forth? It doesn’t sound like they’re going to change their point of view nor you yours. Perhaps you two should avoid talking politics of you’re interested in

This is a federal offense. They will find him (yes, him; you know it’s a dude.), believe it, and the punishment will be harsh.

I always felt the office scenes of Black-ish, where Dre pontificates his problems with his daft co-workers, are the broadest (and weakest) parts of that show, and this premiere’s comedy bits felt like an entire episode of that.

Somehow, this piece of info was barely a blip in the DM article:

No one knows her whereabouts but somehow the formerly adoptive parents are being charged with her abandonment despite her age legally being 22. This is almost like a murder case where defendant has been charged and on trial because the court is assuming the victim is dead because no one has seen them in like a month.

I feel like if I don’t forward this on to ten friends, she will come after my family.

OK what the fuck.... it’s 11pm in CO.  I’m about to go to sleep here. This kind of thing can NOT be posted at this hour

I am so confused...I need a whiteboard and an assortment of colored dry makers to figure this out.

I honestly don’t get how old this young woman is even supposed to be! 

Yeah I don’t buy that the girl is just 8 and they left her in an apartment, its a weird story but I’m guessing there is way more going on here. If you read the article that is linked here it says that another family tried to adopt her and get her original age of 8 legally put back but that was denied and both of the

That’s a lot to lay on the tiny shoulders of a child. Do you feel this much “ire” every time you see a white girl with a messy bun? All children look unkempt after running around and playing all day, but only Black children get maligned as a disgrace to their entire race for doing what kids do. Can they ever just live

I recently saw a buzzfeed or Twitter slide show of before and after school shots and the kids (of all races) looked like they had gone through a tornado by 3pm. Pristine braids gone, outfits stained and ripped, lopsided hairdos, etc. Kids are magnets for mess. 

Yeah, no, I cannot compute feeling “ire” at ever seeing a little girl who looks like this or having the nerve to compare this hairstyle—which looks like the girl just got out of soccer practice for fuck’s sake—to minstrel imagery.

People have way to much time on their hands to be outraged at this. People need to step away from the computer and go outside.

It’s not fair that some little girls can wake up in the morning & throw their hair in a ponytail or throw on a headband & out they go. But god forbid you’re a little black girl & do that. Leave little kids alone to not be stressed out about their dang hair! It’s hair damn it!!!!!

This isn’t a new thing. I remember all the shit that Gabby Douglas got at the Olympics, mostly from older black women, for not having perfectly styled hair. Girl is doing a back flip on a piece of wood 4 inches wide and landing on one foot, who gives a fuck what her hair looks like?

Dye his hair, cut it, laser his face or makeup. He looks like a regular nobody.

In other news: The justice system is working as intended

A Browns game. Or maybe the Dolphins considering how this season is going for them, but this dude is more fitted for the Miami up north.

Whenever I see pictures from this shitshow I am hearing the following: