
Thank you I just don’t even know where to start I feel like I don’t have any real interests. All I did was school and clubs and hanging out with my friends. i didn’t even have time for tv.

It all just feels terrible and like so much of my life especially all the fun parts have passed me by and I wasted my youth being awkward and unattractive. I don’t know why I am so fixated on him but I can’t seem to make it stop it just all hurts so much right now.

Oh yeah I spend a lot of time convincing people I am not mexican

It just I’m not even pretty enough to attract guys. There is a certain baseline that you really have to meet and I am falling short in some major ways. I’m just not even sure if there is enough here to salvage my looks. I also feel like I was too ugly for too long. I lost all of adolence and early adulthood.

I don’t really have any hobbies, my schedule during the school year doesn’t really leave room for that. I’m honestly not even sure where to start with that I am just feeling very empty right now. I also have trouble picking things up because I get really (irrationally) frustrated when I am not able to be good at it

I’m going to say baseball. They are missing the lax bro hair. Also biased because the baseball teams at both my high school and college were the biggest d-bags.

Thank you. It just feels like I am the only one who hasn’t had anyone. And now I just can’t seem to get this guy out of my head. I am just worried that I am going to get sucked into 18 hour days again once I start teaching and that I will never have a life. I really didn’t have one in college which is part of the

I know some people wait but it doesn’t seem like many do. It’s just I am the only person I know who hasn’t and I just feel so strange and I don’t know how to make it stop. It’s been this way since I was 15 or so and with each passing year/each stage of life that goes by I lose a little more hope. I can’t join in with

Thank you <3 and yes so glad the thesis is over my advisor was the worst and it honestly was just a giant cloud over the year. I ended up only getting a C+ and I’ve never gotten below a B+ before so that was strange also dropped by GPA a full 10th of a point so hopefully that won’t hurt the eventual grad school

Thank you <3 I just don’t feel amazing. I know I need to get some help to deal with some of this. I just feel a lot of sadness and regret. It is really hitting me that there are a lot of people I was friends with that I might never see in person again. I just really miss the sense of camaraderie that comes from being

Very excited! I was paying close attention to the debate when I was living in Dublin last year. Very excited that my Irish friends now get to make their own health decisions. This is long overdue.

So I graduated college today so lots of mixed emotions about leaving my college, missing friends and acquaintances, and no longer seeing certain people like my crush. I’m really worried that I am never going to see any of my friends again and that I am going to end up all alone. Graduation itself was so long yet so

Cuomo kinda sucks but lets not pretend that Nixon is qualified to be governor

Thank you! I’m really hoping I see him tonight at the cruise. Very nervous!

That’s true, ugh sometimes my GAD is in the drivers seat instead of the more logical part of my brain especially when it comes to guys.

That’s true, I’m also just nervous because I know he is very experienced and I am getting ready to graduate without having kissed anybody

lol so true and thank you!

Thank you! I’m going to try and be a little more bold the next time I see him.

Really? I can’t imagine anyone being nervous about approaching me. I’m trying to figure out how to build up the confidence to make a move on him. I’ve just never been able to be very bold with guys because I know I’m not the prettiest ever

I guess the worst thing is he says know and it gets around. I’ve just never been bold enough to directly make a move on a guy. I just feel like that is something for really pretty girls