
Maybe but you can’t tell me that 12 years of bullying doesn’t have psychological impacts. I’m just starting to realize how fucked up it left me. Maybe I would have developed my mental illnesses anyway but this sure as hell didn’t help. I don’t know if I am ever going to be okay let alone normal  

I hope so it honestly still surprises me when someone seeks me out and/or wants to be my friend.

No not really. Not many and never for a few months at a time and even then it was always clear that they just tolerated my presence. I had one good friend in 7th and 8th grade and then she ditched me right when high school started and I was pretty much alone for the next four years. Was on the edge of a few groups and

Thank you! I do a couple of those things already but I’ll try out the whole process.

I hope so its just this is the best i’ve ever felt. I used to think I was an introvert turns out I actually love to socialize and was just damaged by 12 years of bullying. I was super isolated when abroad last year and it brought me to a really dark place and I am just worried that is going to happen again.

I am just emotionally exhausted and overwhelmed. I just feel like I wasted college by not being more social but at the same time I’m graduating near the top of my class. idk I just feel like I didn’t really make the most of the time I have.

Can you share some of your tips? I have super frizzy 3b curls and I don’t know what I am doing

Rationally I know that but I’m just not feeling very rational. I have really bad anxiety that currently not very well managed. Part of it is I’m really bad at making friends. I never had both close friends and no bullies before college and I am afraid I’m going to end up a social outcast again. I’m not pretty enough

Wow I’m late for SNS lately it hasn’t been up until 10:30 ish so I didn’t even bother. I am just dealing with a lot of bad feelings right now. Terrified of college graduation and feeling like my life is over.

I didn’t get it at first but I had a thesis deadline this week and have barely seen the sun. Now that I am all caught up on the events of the past two weeks I find this hysterical.

And yes the Atlantic sucks  

As someone who had to sit through multiple episodes of “Austin & Ally” I feel qualified to say that Ross is not the best actor and does not fit Harvey at all.

I honestly forgot it was even happening. Didn’t seem like people were really hyped for it this year.

I’m starting to feel the same way. With the new kinja and so many people in the greys commenting is starting to feel pointless

Meh maybe I am just low on outrage this week but this doesn’t really register for me.

would be cool if they haven’t all been out of stock for days now. I’ve checked back every day for the curly hair one

would be cool if they haven’t all been out of stock for days now. I’ve checked back every day for the curly hair one

Ughhh I don’t know how to feel I hated s3 with a passion. 1) I thought the baby plot was absolutely terrible and made no sense. It just felt so rushed and poorly thought out to me.m2) Rebecca has just been unlikable and totally out of control and not in a funny way. She says she wants to get better yet doesn’t listen

can we be our own county yet? (kidding but like if it was actually possible...)

Good hopefully they can turn things around and have some less off base plot points next season. I would hate for such a good show to end on the terrible s3 finale.

I grew up somewhere with way better culinary choices. Why go to Red Lobster or Applebees when I can go to a cute little fish place and get seafood so fresh it was probably swimming in the pacific this morning? Why Baskin Robins or Coldstone when NY is a dairy state with 10000000 amazing places within 20 min of my