
Season 3 was soooooo bad tho :-/ I’m 50/50 if I would watch the new season right now I am not enthused by the rumors I’ve heard for s4 plot points.

Nope but that sounds hilarious. I was not allowed to dress like my friends in middle and high school and now I see why. Although back in 7th grade I thought my parents were the worst for not getting me a juicy tracksuit, uggs and a tiffany charm bracelet. I never got the bracelet or the full track suit and I had to do

Nope. No more actors running for high office without any experience. Governor is not a “learn on the job” type of position (neither is president but that ship has sailed)  

Too be fair I also wasn’t a fan of driving through those areas but yeah most people way over exaggerated the danger.

You nailed it. I do miss the gallaria though lol

You nailed it. Rocklin (the area I had the misfortune of growing up in) is even worse more $$$ = even more entitlement and nastiness. I never want to see another McMansion painted one of the 478 acceptable shades of tan again.

Yikes she looks like a rough 40 trying to look 20 again. I grew up in the area and none of this surprises me.

Thank you! and I’ll be sure to let you know :-)

Aww thank you. I really like talking to you too. Unfortunately, I just don’t think that I am his type but maybe.

As someone who has lived in New York I am getting sick of Nixon. Cuomo isn’t great but we DO NOT NEED any more inexperienced politicians in office. Your first race should not be for governor or president. I don’t know how we can condem the republican party for thinking not experience is an awesome game changer when

People have the problem is nobody care about his victims.

Have you ever bothered to read the root? that’s all they do when their names come up. There are plenty of black people calling him you should try listening to them.

Thank you for asking. Its been a mixed bag. I ended up dropping a class this week and I’m still really behind but I am trying to climb my way up the mountain. I got a full time job it wasn’t my first choice region but I’m getting more excited.

But not fake southern/midwest nice like actually nice. Although now living on the east coast I feel like I was always ment to be a New Yorker. when we first visited my mom was like everyone her is so rude and doesn’t do small talk and I was like yes I have found my people.

I’m both disgusted and intrigued...

High School and College cheer can be very athletic and is a great team sport. This on the other hand is useless. FYI most cheerleaders don’t consider NFL cheerleaders real cheerleaders just “dancers” in skimpy outfits. Its so annoying to have your sport reduced to this in some peoples minds.


most cheerleaders don’t consider NFL cheerleaders real cheerleaders just “dancers” in skimpy outfits. Its so annoying to have your sport reduced to this in some peoples minds.

I don’t know why any girl would subject themselves to this. On a side most cheerleaders don’t consider NFL cheerleaders real cheerleaders just “dancers” in skimpy outfits. Its so annoying to have your sport reduced to this in some peoples minds.

The headline was very misleading.